System's POV - Chapter 230

Published at 5th of June 2024 05:52:23 AM

Chapter 230: Playing With Fire [Part 1]

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Chapter 230 Playing With Fire [Part 1]

Arundel's Army was composed of Fire-Type Jinns and Majins of all shapes and sizes.

His territory was within a volcanic field, with over a hundred active volcanoes located, so all of the monsters in his legion had a strong resistance to fire.

Dozens of them were able to use flames as their main arsenal as well. Among these monsters were Salamanders, Fire Wolves, Flame Wyverns, Fire Bats, Hell Chargers, Horned Demons, and Imps.

As a Majin Prince, he had two Rank 9 Monsters, who led his armies to battle.

A Fire Dragon and a Magma Fiend.

One was a Djinn, while the other was a Majin.

Together, they formed a formidable team that could destroy entire cities even if they were alone.

These Rank 9 Monsters were usually the Bosses of Tier-8 Gates, while Majin Princes and Princesses were usually the bosses of Tier-9 Gates.

They were the so-called Genocide Level Gates, for no one had survived fighting against a Majin Prince or Princess and lived to tell the tale.

When the Barbarian King, Tigerkin King, Orc King, Ogre King, and Troll King saw the two Generals of Arundel's Army, they couldn't help but narrow their eyes.

"What a powerful pressure," the Tigerkin King said, his voice grim. "I'll deal with the Fire Dragon, who is going to come with me?"

"I will go with you!" the Ogre King declared. "My Ancestors killed a Fire Dragon. I want to experience it myself."

The Tigerkin King and the Ogre King were both monsters, so they were stronger than regular Humans.

However, they were still a bit weaker than the Rank 9 Sovereigns in front of them.

But, it didn't matter.

To begin with, they didn't even have a choice.


A/N: Monster Classifications are Normal, Alpha, Overlord, and Sovereigns.


"I'll deal with that Magma Fiend," the Barbarian King shifted his attention to the Magma Fiend, whose entire body was made up of magma. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

"I'll help," the Orc King stated.

"I guess I'll join as well," the Troll King narrowed its eyes.

The flag was simple in design, with the symbol "XIII" in it, representing the number Thirteen in roman numerals.

This flag was the very center of the formation, and the place where they had to lure Arundel into no matter what.

The seven-year-old had records of the Majin Prince in his Soul Core, and what he discovered shocked him.

The one who was given the title The Destroyer was a Majin Prince who would never make an appearance on a battlefield unless he was a hundred percent certain of his victory.

Simply put, the Majin Prince was either a very cunning Majin or a cowardly one.

Depending on which one it was, Thirteen would have to employ a different strategy in order to bait the other party to appear in front of them.

Scanning the chaotic battlefield, he could see that no one had managed to get the upper hand.

The Barbarians, Tigerkins, Orcs, Trolls, and Ogres, were all hard-

pressed in fighting Arundel's Army, and the flames that had started to spread around them were making things worse.

The Magma Fiend, Antareus, was constantly making it rain Magma in its surroundings, melting the flesh of those who were unlucky enough to be hit by its wide-area attack that was hot enough to melt even armor.

With flames and smoke spreading like wildfire, the momentum of the battlefield had shifted to Arundel's favor, making the Majin Prince, who was watching the battle from afar, grin from ear to ear.

He had detected five weapons on the battlefield that could potentially harm him, so he was biding his time to wait until his minions had weakened them enough, so he could strike them down.

The Barbarian King's sword.

The Tigerkin King's gauntlets.

The Ogre King's Club.

The Troll King's Spear.

And lastly the Orc King's Axe.

These five weapons, which had been given by Forneus to their Ancestors, contained parts that came from the body of a Fiend.

It was for this reason Arundel wanted the Barbarians and the Tigerkins to fight against each other so that their Kings would die in battle.

Only when he was certain that none of them would be able to resist would he make an appearance and finally end it all.

Arundel had gotten his position not because he was a strong Majin Prince, but because he fought his battles wisely.

Little did he know that within the chaotic battlefield, a seven-

year-old was busy thinking of ways to force him out of hiding, allowing them to carry out their plans to defeat him.

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