System's POV - Chapter 260

Published at 5th of June 2024 05:51:17 AM

Chapter 260: You Will Not Get Out Of This Unscathed

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Chapter 260 You Will Not Get Out Of This Unscathed

While Thirteen was busy planning on how to get his sister back home to Pangea, news of what Gerald did appeared on the front page of the popular newspaper "Solterra Times".

This was managed by one of the most credible Information Guilds in Solterra that was under the management of Wanderers.

Any news of great importance that happened in Solterra would be compiled and published in Pangea.

Originally, the plan was to let newspapers become the norm in Solterra as well.

However, Laplace Demon put his foot down, preventing anyone from opening a newspaper company in his backyard.

Because of this, the Wanderers no longer insisted on doing something like it, and simply brought back the news in their own world.

In fact, the news spread faster in Pangea because the technology used there was higher compared to Solterra.

Gerald's one-sided massacre of the Assassins from Death Wish became sensational news. However, not many people were happy about it.

One of those unhappy people was none other than Arthur Leventis.

He didn't know who had ordered the assassination attempt on the black sheep of his family.

But, he was sure of one thing.

From this day onwards, Gerald and Death Wish would never be able to live under the same sky.

The Patriarch of the Leventis Family was starting to worry that his family members, as well as their Branch Families would be targeted by the Assassin Organization because of what Gerald had done.

Not only did he kill the Assassins who had come to assassinate him, he even gave Death Wish a big middle finger, making them the laughing stock of the two worlds.

"Why can't he just sit still?" Arthur sighed helplessly.

If only he had been the one that accompanied Thirteen in Solterra instead of Gerald, he would have been a Monarch by now.

With his newfound power and influence, he believed that Death Wish would no longer target his son because they would be afraid of his counter attack.

Right now, Arthur was just a throne.

Alessia, who had heard Gerald's explanation, softened a bit because she could tell that her husband truly made sure that he had taken everything into consideration before going back to Solterra.

His goal was to let everyone know that Death Wish would not be able to kill him a second time, which was a slap to their faces.

It was Gerald's own way of rebelling and telling the world, especially those who ridiculed him, that he was still the genius of the Leventis Family.

Lastly, he did it in order to smoke out the person who had placed the Assassination Kill Order for him.

The moment he survived the second assassination, the Assassin Group would then face their employer, who hadn't informed them that their target was no longer a Grandmaster, but a Champion.

This was a breach of contract, as well as breach in information.

If they only knew that Gerald was a Champion, the Head of their Organization would have personally made a move to kill him, instead of sending five Champions, and fifteen Grandmasters to do the job.

Gerald was looking forward to the drama that would follow afterwards.

He had managed to kill many of the Assassins under Death Wish, and these losses weren't something that could be replaced in a short period of time.

Without a doubt, the Leader of the Assassins would ask for a proper explanation, and compensation from their Employer.

'Whoever you are, I'm sure you will not get out of this unscathed,' Gerald thought as he hugged his wife, who had finally calmed down. 'Although I don't know how Death Wish will deal with you, I'm sure you will not be able to show your face in Solterra for a while.'

What Gerald didn't know was that at that very same moment, the one who issued the Kill Order for him had started to panic.

Death Wish took pride in their legend of not letting any of their targets escape twice.

Now that this myth was broken, their reputation took a great hit.

Since they failed a second time, wouldn't that make them the same as any other Assassin Organizations in the world?

They only became popular because of the high success rate of their missions.

But since this was no longer the case, they would do their best to save face, and make sure that Gerald, and the one who wished for him to be killed, would be put on the very top of their Kill List.


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