System's POV - Chapter 282

Published at 5th of June 2024 05:50:37 AM

Chapter 282: In My Eyes, No One Is More Important To Me Than Cannon Fodders

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Chapter 282 In My Eyes, No One Is More Important To Me Than Cannon Fodders

Thirteen stood in front of the hundreds of Wanderers who had been gathered to the Second Island for a mission briefing.

"First, let me tell you the true story about your missions to Enter the Gate of the Moonlight," Thirteen stated. "Six weeks from now, the Moon of Chandrea will undergo a full lunar eclipse.

"At that time, the two Pyramids will activate, and open the Gate of the Moonlight. Its location is completely random, but it will appear somewhere here on the Second Island. But, this mission will not allow you to waltz your way inside the Gate.

"No. Reaching it is a matter of life and death because you will be playing a game of tag with Rank 6 Sovereigns and above, who planned to kill all of you because they need many sacrifices in order to perform an Unholy Ritual. Isn't it exciting?"

Thirteen smiled at everyone, who was looking back at him with pale expressions on their faces.

"B-But Uncle Boo said that we just need to wait for the Gate of the Moonlight to open, and we can get back home," a Wanderer who came from the Fourth Island stated. "He never said that we would be hunted down by Rank 6 Sovereigns."

"Well, Uncle Boo didn't tell you everything," Thirteen replied. "Perhaps he didn't want any of you to feel depressed because of how hopeless the situation is. Maybe, you will get lucky and be able to enter the Gate of the Moonlight. However, that is still a big maybe."

"Also, like I said earlier, you might not only be running away from Rank 6 Sovereigns. Rank 7, Rank 8, and possibly Rank 9 Sovereigns might appear as well. I really pity all of you. Of all the Wanderers to be sent on the Arcadia Archipelago, it had to be you."

The corner of Thirteen's lips rose because, even though what he was saying was grim, Shasha remained calm, as if the information he was sharing didn't bother her in the slightest.

To his surprise, Kane, Miriam, Phoebe, Raon, Rio, and Lambert, looked calmer than the other Wanderers, who seemed to be at a loss about what to do.

He wasn't aware that the reason why all these teenagers were calm was due to his presence.

They had heard stories about Zion, and he had become not only a celebrity, but a pillar of support for all the other Wanderers, who were about to take their first step into Solterra.

All of them believed that if there was someone, who could help them survive this upcoming tragedy, it would be none other than the ten-year-old in front of them.

"The strategy that we will use is really simple," Thirteen stated. "Once the Gate of the Moonlight is spotted, all of you will run towards it with everything you have. None of you need to fight. All that you need to do is enter the gate, and pray that you don't get cut down before you can run through it."

"So, starting tomorrow, all of you will practice long distance running. You have six weeks to build your stamina. How much you train will have an impact on your survival.

"Fighting against Rank 6 Sovereigns are your current Rank is just suicide. So, run, don't fight. That will be your motto for this mission."

Thirteen then paused before scanning the faces of the people in front of him.

"I will be honest," Thirteen stated. "The possibility that all of you will be massacred before you reach your destination is very high. The Beings from Artem will definitely place a few of their people to guard the Gate of the Moonlight, and cut down anyone who approaches it.

"But, do not worry, Uncle Boo here will help you reach your destination to the best of his abilities," Thirteen pointed at the Beholder, who had taken his human form, and was sitting on top of a boulder. "He is a Rank 8 Sovereign, so he would be able to protect some of you to a certain extent.

"In my eyes, no one is more important to me than cannon fodders. If you are a cannon fodder like you said you are, then you are one of my people. And as one of my people, I will ensure that you make it back to Pangea, whether you believe me or not.

"Wanderers, remember this, you have six weeks before the Lunar Eclipse," Thirteen said. "Whether you use that time to despair or to work with me, is entirely up to you. I will not force anyone. If you have your own plan for how to survive, that's fine with me.

"So, those who don't want to participate in my plan, kindly step to the right side."

Thirteen waited, and waited, until five minutes passed, but no one decided to break free from the formation.

Even the Wanderers who were doubting him earlier stayed where they were.

"Very well, from this moment onwards, I want all of you to listen," Thirteen stated. "Aside from training on how to run, I will discuss with you all the strategy that I had in mind."

As everyone listened to the strategy that Thirteen had devised, none of them could stop themselves from widening their eyes in shock.

Even Uncle Boo, who was listening from the side, looked at the ten-year-old in surprise.

'Why didn't I think of that before?' Uncle Boo thought. 'If this strategy works than these kids might indeed have a chance to survive. Maybe, it can even help us save Callie.'

The more Uncle Boo listened to Thirteen, the better his impression of the boy became.

It was not only the Beholder who thought this way.

Even the Wanderers who were skeptical at first, were starting to feel hopeful because what the ten-year-old was saying was very ambitious, but entirely possible.

"This is just the first step of the strategy I have in mind," Thirteen stated after he finished his explanation. "There is more that I will share with you in the next few days. But, until then, I want all of you to take your training seriously. Do I make myself clear?"


Thirteen nodded. "All of you should rest for now. Tomorrow, we will commence the start of your training regimen."

The Wanderers dispersed as they were told, while some remained behind in order to form Hunting Teams, which would be responsible for gathering food for all the Wanderers on the Second Island.

Seeing that they had regained their vigor, Thirteen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Fortunately, he managed to control his temper earlier, and didn't lash out on the person who told them that he was just going to use them as cannon fodders.

Shasha, Taiga, Kane, Herman, Raon, Rio, Miriam, and Phoebe, walked towards where the ten-year-old was standing.

All of them wanted to discuss a few things with the younger boy, who had shown them a path to their survival.

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