System's POV - Chapter 53

Published at 5th of June 2024 05:57:54 AM

Chapter 53: Reunion Between Long Time Friends

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Chapter 53 Reunion Between Long Time Friends

Finally, the day of the party arrived.

Thirteen, Gerald, and Mikhail were all wearing tailor-made black suits, which brought out their good looks.

Mikhail stood out between the two men because his father and brother both had black hair. He, on the other hand, had blonde hair and blue eyes, making him look as if he was adopted.

However, this was only true if he was with father and brother.

The one who truly stood out from their family was Thirteen.

His mother, as well as his three siblings all had blonde hair, while he was the only one with black hair.

Gerald thought that the Leventis Family genes were thicker when it came to Thirteen, so he inherited the black hair of their family.

"Are you feeling nervous, Mikhail?" Thirteen asked.

"A little," Mikhail replied.

"It's fine to be anxious," Thirteen stated. "As long as it doesn't show on your face, okay?"

"I'll do my best, Brother."


Alessia gave her two handsome sons a kiss on their cheeks before saying her goodbyes to them.

"Mikhail, remember the names of the girls who approach you during the party, okay?" Alessia said. "I will see if they are a good match for you."

"Yes, Mother," Mikhail replied.

"Zion, don't cause trouble, okay?" Alessia then crouched down to look at her seven-year-old with a smile. "Don't be rude to people at the party."

"Mother, why do you always remind me to not be rude to people?" Thirteen blinked. "Do you have such a low opinion of me?"

"I have a very high opinion of you," Alessia replied with a smile. "This is why I am worried that you will talk down to people as if they are not your equal."

"Rest assured, Mother," Thirteen stated. "I know what to do."

After getting her son's assurance, she was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.

At that exact moment, they heard the sound of an approaching helicopter.

"Looks like our ride has come to pick us up," Gerald said as he looked at the helicopter with the emblem of the Remington Family painted on its body. "Let's go. It is best that we don't keep them waiting."

Thirteen and Mikhail nodded as they followed behind their father.

His father's best friend, Elijah, told him that he would send a helicopter to pick them up to hasten their travel time.

Gerald didn't refuse his kind offer because it would take them nearly five hours to travel to the Remington Clan's Residence by car.

The Helicopter that they rode on was a military type attack helicopter meant to provide support fire against Monster Outbreaks from Dimensional Gates.

Harry, the eldest, had short brown hair and green eyes like her mother.

Leah, on the other hand, had long, dark-blue hair and blue eyes like her father.

"And this must be Mikhail and Zion," Elijah commented. "Your eldest looks like Alessia, and Zion looks like you."

Gerald nodded his head in agreement because this was indeed the case.

"Uncle Benedict, looks like you still haven't kicked the bucket yet." Gerald chuckled.

However, his chuckle didn't last for long before it was replaced with a gasp of pain because the middle-aged man, who was also Vivian's father, smacked his head for being annoying.

"It seems that you're still the same piece of sh*t." Benedict snorted. "It's good that you convinced Elijah to man up and marry my daughter. If you and Vivian had married each other instead, I would have died years ago from irritation."

Benedict then shifted his attention to Thirteen, who was looking at him with great interest.

Unlike his brother, Mikhail's face became a little pale after seeing his father getting smacked by the middle-aged man, whose aura was leaking from his body.

Similar to Hans, Benedict was a Champion, and a fairly powerful one at that.

"Well, it seems that Alessia has given birth to at least one interesting kid," Benedict commented as he looked at the seven-year-old who was looking at him with a faint smile on his face. "Child, are you not scared of me?"

"Why would I be scared of you?" Thirteen asked back with an amused expression on his face.

"Because I can easily pinch you to death," Benedict replied.

Thirteen nodded. "You're right. But, you wouldn't dare to do that."

"Oh? Do you think that this no-good-father of yours will be able to protect you from me?"

"Not him. But my Grandma, Lady Callista. I'm sure she will be more than happy to rip you to shreds."

Benedict stiffened for a bit before a devilish smile appeared on his face.

"Don't tempt me to hurt you, child," Benedict said in a dangerous tone. "There are two names that I dislike hearing the most in this world. The first one is Arthur Leventis, and the second one is your grandmother's name. If you want to live longer, make sure to remember that."

Thirteen didn't reply, but the smile on his face also widened.

The seven-year-old, and the hundred-year-old man, who looked as if he was in his early fifties, stared at each other with smiles on their faces.

Harry and Leah were quite surprised because they could tell that their Grandpa had taken a liking to Thirteen, which was something that not even the other children of the Remington Family were able to achieve.

Elijah cleared his throat, and patted Gerald's shoulder.

"How about we talk inside?" Elijah proposed. "Also, the three of you should join our table. It will be nice to dine together and chat like old times."

Gerald nodded and led his two sons inside the Remington Clan's Main Residence.

This was the first major social gathering that he had attended since he was disowned by his father.

He was certain that he would meet old friends and enemies alike, whom he hadn't seen for many years.

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