System's POV - Chapter 62

Published at 5th of June 2024 05:57:27 AM

Chapter 62: The True Main Family Of The Leventis Clan

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Chapter 62 The True Main Family Of The Leventis Clan

Remi loved the Fluffy White Cat that Thirteen had gotten her, and she named it Fluffy.

Of course, the true owner of the Fluffy Cat was none other than Alessia. Only Wanderers could own Avatars. She merely ordered the creature to become Remi's playmate and ordered it to not harm anyone in their family.

If not for the fact that it was stronger than it looked, it might have already been squeezed to death by Remi and Shasha, who couldn't help themselves due to how soft and fluffy its fur was.

While the two girls were enjoying the company of their family's new pet, Alessia had finally begun her journey to become a Divine Alchemist.

The Fire Fox and Ice Fox were both useful for Alchemists. The former could help her light her cauldron, while the latter could augment it with its Ice Flames, depending on the situation.

Thirteen and Gerald worked together to craft a Pill-making Cauldron for Alessia, allowing her to practice without worrying about her cauldron exploding or breaking apart.

Of course, a separate crafting house was specially built for her, and it was only a hundred meters away from their home.

Thirteen knew that accidents could happen, so he deemed that, in order to lower the risk of fires, it would be best to not let his mother craft inside the house.

He had asked her to craft the most basic pill to practice her craft, which was the Stamina Pill.

Eating this pill helped restore a bit of stamina, which was very helpful in most cases.

To Thirteen's surprise, his mother had talent in Alchemy.

Out of ten attempts, she succeeded thrice, which wasn't a bad starting point for beginners.

Also, another surprise came to their family a week after the event in the Remington Clan's Main Residence.

Michael came to visit them and talked to Gerald about something.

An hour later, Mikhail went with his Uncle back to the Leventis Family to undergo real combat training against Monsters from Solterra.

Thirteen already expected that something like this would happen because, at the end of the day, Mikhail's performance during the competition earned the Leventis Family some prestige.

It didn't matter that Gerald had been kicked out of the Main Family Line.

The only thing that mattered was that Mikhail carried the Leventis Family name. Paired with the skills he displayed, that was more than enough for him to be treated as one of the prodigies of the current generation.

So what if they had a treasury of rare weapons, armor, and other artifacts?

Now that Gerald had picked up the hammer and taken the profession of a Blacksmith, it was only a matter of time before he consolidated his experiences and reached enlightenment.

This would allow him to not only craft Mithril and Adamantine-

Grade Equipment but also gears above those Grades as well.

Even without his son's help, he believed that he would be able to craft his Mythical-Grade Gear as he got more used to his Profession.

It may not happen tomorrow, in a week, a year, or five years from now, but without a doubt, Gerald was certain that he would reach that point.

And after he crafted a Mythical Equipment, he would aim for Legendary Gear, and after that Divine.

Once the time came when he succeeded in crafting Mythical Equipment without Zion's assistance, Gerald could just place a plaque in front of their family gate that says "Leventis Family Main Residence", and no one would dare to correct it.

Dare to annoy the Blacksmith that was able to craft Mythical Grade Equipment?

Simply courting death!

Thirteen also stated that the Leventis Family would offer them support in the future, and when that happened, they should just accept it.

Since they were their Vassals, it was only normal for them to serve their Masters.

Soon, Thirteen's entire family no longer thought of the Leventis Main Family as some kind of big shot.

In their minds, they were the Main Family, and Arthur's Family was only there to make them look good.

Of course, if Thirteen's Grandpa were to know that his no-good grandson had brainwashed his family into thinking of him as their servant, he would have definitely strangled the boy and whipped him a thousand times until he repented.

Unfortunately for him, he didn't know and would continue to remain oblivious to the fact that his Family was already the Branch Family in his no-good grandson's eyes.

Gerald was now on the same page as Thirteen.

Since he had already been disowned, he would make his family the True Main Family of the Leventis Clan. And once that happened, his laughter would be heard not only in the continent of Aldebaran but the entirety of Pangea as well.

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