Published at 21st of February 2023 05:25:30 AM

Chapter 46

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I felt fucking great. Amazing even. It hadn’t even occurred to me that I hadn’t fucking taken a shower in weeks. Nearly a whole month. Unacceptable. Truly, just, abysmal. There was literally a magic god damn fucking rock that made water! There had to be some kind of, shower system set up or even just a good ole sponge and bucket system available. Was there cleaning magic? There had to be something out there. I’d have to look into it before I went out adventuring again. 

Given, I had been melted in flames at least twice, so that served as a ‘bath’ of sorts but those thoughts just led nowhere good. Had I smelled like a burnt corpse? No one had said anything but… either way, that was all in the past now! 

And for another thing! Just the act of taking a shower was… divine. You truly don’t know what you have until you lose it. I was already blessed that I…. hadn’t needed to… 

I stopped as I was going up the stairs and seriously thought back to the past few weeks. I had taken a piss a few times, eaten what seemed like bread, dried meat, some kind of rice maybe as well? Essentially traveling rations. That was all normal enough but I had never needed to…

…Do demons not poop? 

A shower, an amazing revelation, a new town to explore, and sex with a hot dark elf futanari. It was enough to almost bring a tear to my eye. I was finally having a good time in this crazy fucked up world! Well, maybe that wasn’t exactly true, the last week had been mostly okay but it had just been… boring. Just traveling and walking and more walking. The spars had gotten more fun and I’d noticeably improved, despite still getting my ass absolutely handed to me. 

I kept thinking about what I’d do in this elven village when my feet stopped. Not for anything complicated, the reason was pretty simple. 

I was here. 

Third floor, sixth door from the right. I raised a hand to knock and felt a sudden pang of nervousness. I wasn’t exactly… the most casual sex person around but it wasn’t like I hadn’t done it before. It was usually fun. Usually. But it had been… a long, long time since I’d had sex with someone I’d met that same night. I didn’t know the person, Silinthia, at all. All I knew was she was hot and she found me hot. 

I smiled. Well, sometimes that’s all you need. I knocked. The door opened and Silinthia stood there, still in the same clothes from earlier, her work uniform. It certainly was designed to show her generous breasts, Jesus. 

Silinthia was all smiles as she looked me up and down. 

“Seems someone decided to wash up first. And here I thought you were the dirty sort.” 

I snorted. 

“We can be dirty in bed, I’d like to not feel like mud thanks.” 

Silinthia let me inside and I was taken aback for a moment. I hadn’t actually seen our rooms yet but I was fairly certain it wasn’t going to look like this. I had expected, I don’t know, a smaller room I suppose. Instead it felt like I had walked into a small hotel room that look well lived in. But it quickly clicked in my brain. 

“You live here?”

“Perks of the job.” 

I looked and walked around the room, my tail idly swinging around. There wasn’t anything exactly, unique about it? Bed, small oil lamp, desk with some papers scattered around. There was a sword and crossbow nearby, but I suppose that was pretty basic for most people to own. Silinthia sat on a chair, just content to watch me look around for a moment. 

I turned around… and froze. I didn’t, couldn’t move a muscle, as my whole body felt like it locked up. Red eyes stared back at me, the person standing, unmoving. Horns sat atop their head, at the base of the forehead, going about two inches up. They looked black as night with a slight texture to them. A tail moved like a serpent behind them, poised to attack, looking like it could lacerate anyone as the links separated. Light brown hair, lithe figure like a runner, and those red eyes, those damn red eyes, staring back at me. 

I reached up and the figure followed. 

Because it was a mirror.  

I was looking at myself, for the first time, since coming to this world. 

I was stuck, frozen in time, my body not feeling like my own. No, no no no, it wasn’t my own. It wasn’t. This wasn’t me. This wasn’t my body. This wasn’t even my old body. My body had changed and it wasn’t my body or the body I had wanted. It wasn’t right it wasn’t right it wasn’t right- 

“Derek?” A worried voice called out to me. 

I blinked. Silinthia was staring at me, standing now, looking very concerned. Ah, oh fuck. 

“S-sorry. I…” I didn’t even know how to respond. My eyes were still stuck staring at how I looked. It hurt, it spiritually hurt me. I needed, I wanted to sit down. It took a supreme effort of will but I tore my gaze away and nearly collapsed onto the bed. 

“Sorry, I, sorry.” I had ruined this, that’s for sure. I must look mentally unstable right now. Hell, maybe I was. But I just, I just- 

“What’s wrong?” Silinthia was there, concern still etched onto her face. She was nice for a stranger. She would have been in her right to ask that same question with a crossbow in her hand but I was glad she hadn’t. 

“I just…” What was I suppose to say? That my old body had never felt right and had bothered me forever to the point I’d have taken therapy if I had the money? That my body had changed from human to demon and that had only made it worse? That no one had told me… 

“I… didn’t… no one told me.” 

“Told you what?” 

“About my eyes.” 

I didn’t know. I hadn’t known and that hit me all the harder. My eyes used to be blue. They were beautiful, or so everyone told me. They were one of the few things I had never wished to change, at all. One of the few pieces of me that I genuinely loved. It had been one of the few things I had focused on, every time my body dysmorphia had reared its ugly head. 

‘At least these are okay. They’re even rare! Everyone likes them.’

‘This part of me looks good, this part of me is fine.’ 

‘At least this part of me is me.’ 

That’s what I had said, staring into a mirror, trying to conquer myself. To get ahold of it. I had read up that finding and telling yourself about the parts you do like about your body can help with my problem. And it had. 

And now they were gone. 

Was I Derek Springer anymore? 

“What about your eyes?” Silinthia asked. She stood over me, looking into them.

I came back to the current moment. 

“Sorry, I, I’ll leave. I fucked this up. Have a good night, sorry.” 

I didn’t, I needed to leave. I didn’t want to be here anymore. 

“Whoa whoa whoa, you can’t just look into my mirror, crash, and then leave. Come on, something is clearly wrong. What’s up with your eyes?” 

“I, I can’t. There’s, I can’t.” I couldn’t say anything. There was still nothing I could say. 

“Hey, hey it’s okay. I know we’re just strangers fucking for the night but I’ve been around a while you know? Elves and all that. Hell, I’ve seen more than my fair share of adventurers passing through. So, talk to me. Tell me. It’ll help, I promise.” Silinthia smiled wide and somehow her words helped ease me. 

I just sat there, staring back at her for a moment before taking a deep breath. Minutes passed and Silinthia continued to stand there and smile, waiting for me. She felt like a more slick version of Konohora. Maybe it was just maturity and kindness. There were so many possible reactions, I knew mine would have been nervous anxiety and worrying. I wouldn’t have been able to smile down at someone I was just about to fuck that was having an episode and say ‘Talk to me, It’ll help.’ 

“My eyes… use to be blue. My body, my whole body, use to be different. This… it isn’t right. It doesn’t feel right. I don’t, I don’t hate it. It’s mostly right, no, it’s mostly fine. It wasn’t right before and it’s not right now. But I had started to get use to it but no one told me… that my eyes had changed. It just, hit me hard.” 

I wasn’t drunk enough to be having this conversation with a stranger. But I wasn’t okay and she was willing to listen. The others… only Konohora was an option and she was literally unable to keep secrets. I wouldn’t have been able to tolerate Riary using this part of me as an attack or Tyler bumbling his way through it. It wouldn’t have felt, safe, talking to Konohora. It never was. But a stranger I may never see again? That was easy, even if awkward. 

“Ah.” Silinthia nodded her head and then got close and stared into my eyes, smiling all the while. 

“Well, I certainly like them at least. They’re red like mine.” 

Silinthia leaned forward and kissed me and inwardly I had to resist a chuckle. Silinthia may be kind but, well, how to put it? A lot of people, men in particular, don’t realize that their actions would change drastically if they had no way to feel pleasure. Not exactly ulterior motives, more like, subconscious desires. I’d bet hard cash that this whole thing would be going differently if I was both unattractive and sex was completely off the table. She’d probably still be kind, she definitely wouldn’t be kissing me right now and getting handsy. 

Still, it’s not a bad thing to have desires. 

I kissed her back, feeling the softness of her lips and the warmth from her breath. Felt her hands glide up underneath my shirt and begin to rub my back, only to discover my wings. That got both of her hands moving up, rubbing them, playing with them, experimenting with them, before I eventually just stood up and pulled off my shirt, finally flexing my small wings. 

For a brief moment, I was standing shirtless, wings splayed out, while she was sitting. She looked up, gaping at me, before a look of hunger and lust passed over her face. Her smile morphed from playful and gentle to nearly savage. 

I thought she was going to leap unto me but it seemed she had other designs. She got up herself and quickly pulled off her clothes. Now it was my turn to gape as bountiful purple breasts literally bounced out as she pulled off her shirt. But it didn’t end there, as she quickly pulled off her pants and underwear, revealing her full nude glory to the world. 

And her dick was already at full mast. 

Seeing a dick on a beautiful dark elf… if my dick wasn’t already erect, it had just shattered the sound barrier as it rose at full speed ahead. She looked at me expectantly and I quickly pulled the rest of my clothes off, idly noticing my shoes had disappeared at some point. I’d probably forgotten them when I’d taken a shower. 

I had barely taken them off, when she practically tackled me to the bed, getting on top of me. I could feel her lips press hard against my own, her dick pushed against mine and noted with some irony that she was bigger, and her great, amazing, awesome breasts pushed against my chest. Her hands continued to rub my back, playing with my wings, as my tail snaked around flat on the side, linked fully together to prevent any accidents. 

We both just luxuriated in that great moment, making out, feeling each other out. My hands weren’t idle as they rubbed her sides and back, eventually reaching down and grabbing her dick. Moans began to fill the air as my hand stroked her. 

Eventually, she clearly couldn’t take it anymore, and put both her hands underneath my legs, intending to raise them. I had to quickly stop that before she started. It took a little longer to pull her face away to get a word in. 

“Wa- Wait, wait.” She was still into it, wanting to push on, but she paused for the moment to let me talk, calming down a little bit. “Lube?” I asked. I may be a lot of things, stupid and insane were not one of them. Even if I couldn’t feel pain… yeah, no. You use lube. 

She blinked owlishly before looking embarrassed for a moment and pulling the drawer open next to us. She pulled out a bottle, made of wood of course, and was not at all lenient on the amount of lube she slathered into her hands and then onto her dick. Practically emptying half the bottle. Good, it would probably barely be enough. You don’t fuck around with lube, use the whole bottle if you need to. 

She put her hands underneath my legs and I let her raise them this time. She lined herself up and I took a breath as suddenly, I felt her start to push. I frowned a bit, that really wasn’t how you did it. You didn’t just go full gung-ho like that! Still, those emotions were quickly wiped away as I felt her dick enter inside me and despite my best attempts, couldn’t hold back my moan. 


That only seemed to encourage her more and she pushed harder sending my brain into overdrive. It felt good. Really really really good. And I realized with horror that I had made a mistake. I didn’t feel pain. Even if you’re experienced and try your best… anal hurts. If you do it right, only at the level of discomfort that doesn’t matter because it feels great and amazing. Guys have their god damn G-spot in their ass, after all, because god is funny like that. 

But I didn’t feel any pain. None whatsoever. There was no discomfort to dull or blend in with the pleasure. It just felt great. Those thoughts flashed through my head before a sensation like a tsunami crashed into my brain, pleasure overloading my sensitives, as Silinthia fucked the life out of me. 

“AHH~ ah ah ah~” 

My moans filled the air and I was helpless to stop them, as I felt a dick crash in and out of me, making my whole body tingle and feel like it was being electrocuted. In no time at all, I felt as my mind and body seemed to explode, as I started to orgasm already. 

Silinthia’s hot warm cock penetrating me, my tail rubbing against the sheets, my hands scratching into her back, my legs wrapped around her body, her arms underneath me, her bouncing breasts and grunts of pleasure. My shuddering moans and gasps of breath, my cock cumming, the feeling of heat, and how good it felt. So good good goooood gooood. Tooo goood.

More, fuck me more, more more more, fuck me, fuck me. Give me your cock. Fill me up, make me your bitch, mooooreee. 

Thrusts, bed shaking, my body, my mind. 

Lips, lips pressed again- ah! Hot, warm, filling me up. Bursting, inside me. Heat heat heat so much heat and good, sooo goood. 

Hah. Hah. Hah. Hah. 

Breathing, puffs of air, body shuddering. Warmth and pressure. 

Hey. Hey. Hey. 

Hand, cheek.  



I blinked. 


“Hey.” voice, talking. Talking. Silinthia, oh, oh it’s Silinthia.  “Hey, you okay?” Her voice, tired. Sounds tired. Tired. Tired tired tired. Fucked, good, feel good. 


Chuckling, laughter. 

“Seems someone had fun. You were great honey.” Arms, breasts, wrapped touching me. Tired. Bed. Gonna… go to sleep now. Tired. Body tired. 

Good, I feeel soooo goood. 


One floor down, two rooms to the left. Tyler frowned and blushed to himself. He had certain sounds earlier, he was fairly sure nearly everyone would have been able to. They were so loud. 

“Why… do they sound familiar?” 

He frowned but just shrugged it off, feeling a bit heated as he tried to go to bed. He really needed to find himself a girlfriend. 



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