Published at 28th of June 2024 06:07:59 AM

Chapter 1: The Midnight Bell (2)

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Chapter 1: The Midnight Bell (2)

They called the owner of the voice an angel, but her actions were anything but holy.

Ryu Min had learned the hard truth through 99 cycles of regression.

Its not the kind of thing that lowly women like angels would do.

This damn games organizer undoubtedly existed, and this so-called angel was simply an NPC designed to explain the rules.

Although it may seem like its just a game, its a serious situation.

Soon, a bright light descended from the sky, accompanied by a woman who elicited gasps from the crowd.

An angel?

With a pair of wings, porcelain skin, and a beauty that even celebrities would envy, the woman matched the image of a familiar angel in everyones mind.

Her character may be devilish, but her looks are heavenly.

Only Ryu Min remained unimpressed by the angels appearance. It wouldnt be long before the others realized how little the angels cared for human beings.

Trashy humans, falling for my looks like the bunch of lustful animals they truly are. It seems like youre all stupid enough to stare at me blankly.


I advise you not to entertain any foolish thoughts. I have no intention of associating with the likes of you vultures.

Although the angels wicked smile was beautiful, the people couldnt bring themselves to smile back.

How could anyone laugh when they were being insulted?

Seeing all of you frown like that makes me feel like Im getting through to you. Tee-hee-hee.

Thats when a brave young man shouted the question that everyone was curious about.

Who do you think you are, talking to us? Are you even an angel?

The angels gaze fell upon the young man, and Ryu Min watched with a sorrowful expression.

May he rest in peace.

It always starts with the young man who defies the angels will.


It was a survival game with a predetermined set of rules and a competitive format.

You will go through 20 rounds, one per month. As I mentioned before, only half of the players can survive each round, and as you proceed the quests will become increasingly difficult.

Despair was etched on peoples faces as they realized they might have to go through this game twenty times before they could live.

Hehehe, dont worry too much. I wont take all of you. Only humans aged 15 to 29 are eligible to participate in this survival game.

There was an age limit, and the impact of that statement was significant.

Phew thank goodness.

Well, that doesnt include me.

While adults who were not in the mentioned age range breathed a sigh of relief, those in their teens and twenties felt despair as if the sky was falling.

But Im included, right?

What do I do? My birthday is January 1st, so I just turned 15 this year!

Those who were of the appropriate age range felt a sense of hopelessness.

Well, I dont really have the right to complain.

Although Ryu Min looked like an ordinary high school student, he had lived through countless years after going through 99 regressions.

Memories of his days filled with survival vividly came to mind.

Why did it have to happen on my birthday? Someone cursed under his breath.

It felt a little unfair.

There are some humans here who seem to feel unfairly treated. But dont worry, we will take not only those here but also humans from all over the world!

The angel couldnt help but grin.

There was no longer anyone who thought of the angel as beautiful.

A demon, thats what she truly is.

Lets seeif we narrow down the humans between 15 and 29, the number of participants would be 1,801,029,290. Well, now that the explanation is over, shall we get started? Te-Hehehe.

It was the defining moment when around 1.8 billion individuals were coerced into taking part in a deadly survival game.

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