Published at 28th of June 2024 06:07:44 AM

Chapter 10: Taegyu Bae (2)

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Chapter 10: Taegyu Bae (2)

Im Wons big brother, he said.

Big brother? Taegyu muttered with a sneer.

Didnt I tell you before? If you dont want to get beaten up, watch your mouth. But now youre coming with your big brother to the hideout and causing trouble?

Oh, no! I didnt say anything Ryu Min protested.

Tsk, youre a fool. You and your big brother are both done for, Taegyu said, his eyes locked onto Ryu Min.

Although Taegyu was still expressionless, he noticed a flicker of fear in Ryu Mins eyes.

Haha, what a loser. Youre scared over nothing, he thought.

He had suspected that Ryu Min might put up a fight, but it seemed he was mistaken.

Well, its too early to judge just yet, Taegyu thought as he glanced over at the other guy.

He couldnt hear anyone else coming, so it seemed like they had only sent two people to find them.

Is this guy really worth fighting? Taegyu wondered.

He had fought many opponents in his life as a gang member, even some who were smaller than Ryu Won.

But underestimating someone based on their size is a mistake. I need to see what this guy can do, Taegyu thought.

He signaled to his friends, who nodded and stepped forward with him.

Well, well, well. Its a good day to be alive. Someone actually has the balls to confront Taegyu? one of the guys said.

Your big brothers supposed to be a tough fighter, right? If youre so confident, how about you take on all three of us? another guy added, sneering.

Despite their threatening demeanor, Ryu Min didnt show any sign of fear.

Looks like hes got some guts. Lets see what hes made of, Taegyu thought.

They were close enough to strike now, so Taegyu was ready to see what Ryu Min could do.

I love a good fight, especially when its between scrappy underdogs, Taegyu thought as the tension mounted.

Suddenly, Ryu Min launched an unexpected attack and landed a blow.

Argh, you bastard! one of Taegyus friends exclaimed as he swung a punch at Ryu Min.

But Ryu Min was too fast, dodging the punch and landing another hit on the first guy, knocking him to the ground.

The other guys rushed forward to attack, but Ryu Min continued to dodge and strike with lightning speed.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Damn it, hes good, Taegyu thought as he watched his friends being taken down one by one.

Although they had come looking for a fight, Taegyu realized that these guys were no match for Ryu Min.

Ughhh Ahhh

It didnt take long for all three of them to fall to the ground.

Bae Taegyus eyebrows furrowed like a bowstring.

This fucker

He had wondered how well someone so small and lanky could fight, but now he had his answer.

Its nothing special.

While his boxing skills seemed somewhat decent, it was nothing special to Bae Taegyu, who had a background in the sport.

Hey, Wons brother. Where did this guy learn to box?

As he walked past the fallen members of his clown crew, Bae Taegyu talked.

Looks like they never taught you how big of a difference there is in boxing weight classes.

Now, he couldnt feel the pain on his face anymore.

Ryu Mins movements were so clean and efficient that it seemed like his previous display of skill was just a fake.

Taegyu tried a hook.

But Ryu Min dodged it and jammed his fist into Taegyus chin.


For a moment, Taegyus vision went blurry as he saw Ryu Mins fist coming at him again.

As much as he didnt want to admit it, attacking alone wouldnt solve anything.

He instinctively lifted his hand to block, but



Instead of hitting his guard, Ryu Min grabbed his outstretched fingers.



Taegyu screamed in agony as Ryu Min grotesquely broke his fingers.

But as he leaned forward, Ryu Mins knee hit him in the face.



Before he knew it, Ryu Min had grabbed Taegyus other fingers.

Snap! Snap!

Ahhhh! It hurts! It hurts!

Snap! Snap!

Stop it! Please! I beg you!

But Ryu Min mercilessly twisted all ten of Taegyus fingers like they were chicken wings.


Ryu Min spoke again in a chilling tone.

If you touch my little brother, youll regret it.

Ugh Ugh

Dont you have anything to say?

Y-yes, I-I got it. I wont wont touch him.

Now, with tears streaming down his face, Bae Taegyu weakly nodded his head. But then-

Ryu Min grabbed onto one of Bae Taegyus arms, clearly not intending to let things end like this.

What are you planning to do? Bae Taegyu protested.

I need to make sure you wont change your mind later on, Ryu Min replied sternly.

Please dont do this! Please! Bae Taegyu begged, struggling to free himself from Ryu Mins grip.

Despite Bae Taegyus resistance, Ryu Min twisted his arm in a grotesque direction with a sharp snap.

Aaahhh! Bae Taegyu screamed in agony.

If you try to seek revenge or report me to the police, Ill find you no matter where you hide, Ryu Min threatened, his voice dripping with malice. And it wont just be a broken arm, too.

At that moment, a deep-seated fear took hold of Bae Taegyus mind for the very first time in his life

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