Published at 28th of June 2024 06:04:58 AM

Chapter 100: The 7th Round Ends (2)

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Chapter 100: The 7th Round Ends (2)

At lunchtime, Ryu Min and Min Juri sat down for a meal together. This meeting was primarily for Ryu Min to share information about Round 8 ahead of time.

Is it too early to meet up? You seem a bit off, Ryu Min observed.

Min Juri was in a more fragile mental state than Ryu Min had expected.

Juri, whats wrong? Dont you have an appetite? he inquired.

Oh, no. Its delicious; its just Min Juri began, struggling to articulate her feelings.

Despite her appetite, she was wrestling with a significant emotional shock.

Was the illusion from Round 7 particularly distressing? Ryu Min ventured to ask, trying to read her thoughts.

I I dont know, Min Juri stammered, unable to bring herself to discuss it further.

She feared that lifting her head would reveal her flushed face, so she kept it lowered.

Oh Its not that it was distressing, but rather embarrassing, Ryu Min responded, empathizing with her.

Having discerned her thoughts, he coughed awkwardly, uncertain of how to proceed.

It appeared that, despite his advice, resisting temptation was more challenging than he had anticipated.

Regardless of what the illusion entailed, lets put Round 7 behind us. Its a round thats already passed, Ryu Min advised.

Y-Yes, thats true, Min Juri agreed.

Anyway, theres something I want to tell you about Round 8, Ryu Min continued.

In his usual fashion, Ryu Min delivered a prophecy. Jeffrey, the spy, who was nearby, was present, but there was no need for discretion. Ryu Min deliberately spoke loudly enough for Jeffrey to hear.

Hell probably pass on my prophecy to Christine.

Due to Christines skeptical nature, one prophecy wouldnt suffice to gain her trust. Therefore, there was no harm in them overhearing the conversation.

So, in Round 8, NPCs will appear, right? Min Juri inquired.

Yeah. I dont know if theyre artificially created NPCs or beings from another dimension, Ryu Min clarified.

This time, Ryu Min explained the strategy in greater detail. Unlike Round 7, Round 8 offered many opportunities to gain experience points. In other words, it was crucial to level up by exploiting various aspects. Ryu Min was providing as much assistance as possible at this time.

And theres one more thing to keep in mind, Ryu Min added.

What is it? Min Juri asked.

In Round 8, you wont be able to accompany the Black Scythe as you did in the past.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Huh? Why? Min Juri inquired, her eyes widening.

Ryu Min explained the reason for this change, which left Min Juri perplexed.

Why? But the Black Scythe

Why theyre making that choice, I dont know. I can only foresee the future, Ryu Min stated matter-of-factly.

Yes. When I asked Jeffrey, it seemed that his prophecy was somewhat accurate.

Do not be ensnared by temptation, right? Thats correct. Honestly, I didnt believe it at first, but it turned out to be the key to clearing the quest.

Then, it might be a good idea to get closer to that Prophet.


The unexpected statement caused Christine to widen her eyes. It wasnt something she expected to hear from her conservative father.

Do you believe him just because he got one thing right?

Even if its a lucky guess what do you think, Christine?

The unexpected remark left Christine perplexed.

Have you conducted a background check?

He appears to be an ordinary young man who commutes between home and work.

Christine didnt blame her father for conducting the background check. Instead, she understood why he did it, given her natural skepticism towards people.

Even before she got engaged with her fianc, her father had Jeffrey investigate the man thoroughly.

Father, do you think its necessary to rely on him so much?

Isnt your fianc doing the same? Theyre even doing business together.

But theres a possibility that hes a fraud

In that case, how about doing this, Christine?

At the right moment, Jeffrey returned.

Jeffrey, whats this all of a sudden?

I just obtained information about Round 8 from that guy.

It was not exactly obtaining information but rather eavesdropping, but it seemed fine in this context. What mattered was the information itself.

Round 8? Does this mean you heard a prophecy?

Yes. He was quite detailed this time. Christine, if youre still doubtful, you can test it in the 8th Round and decide afterward.

Hmm. Thats not a bad idea.

Id prefer that.

However, a little later, the three of them realized there was no need to eavesdrop.

A call came from Ma Kyung-rok, who felt sorry for keeping his prophecy to himself.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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