Published at 28th of June 2024 06:04:56 AM

Chapter 102: LC Group (2)

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Chapter 102: LC Group (2)

[Player Places CEO unveiled as Osung Groups successor]

Did they throw money around? Why are there so many articles?

Muttered Song Baekhyun, clicking through the comments on an article.

Who else is using Player Place?

Me! Selling items here is genuinely convenient! The apps user-friendliness is top-notch.

I sold all the unnecessary materials on Player Place too.

Me too. Thought useless things wouldnt sell, but someone bought them, lol.

Was short on living expenses, but sold items on Player Place and made some money, lol.

Lol, for real. Quit my part-time job and am surviving by selling miscellaneous items.

Tend to buy good rare equipment as soon as it comes up.

Buying equipment is really convenient.

A site for players was needed, and Player Place fits the bill.

Stock prices hit the ceiling every day, its a complete jackpot.

More than in the heyday of Bitcoin. Need to earn money and put it in as soon as possible.

This is right. Anyone who doesnt invest in Player Place is an idiot.

Maybe Chairman Song of LC Group wont invest because of his pride?

Player Place was made by Osung Group. Its a big hit.

Osung does it again.

Like they know what theyre talking about. Phew.

Song Baekhyun simply turned off the monitor.

Reading further might lead to dying of anger.


Come in.

Upon seeing the person entering the office, Song Baekhyuns eyebrows shot up like arrows.

It was none other than his eldest son, Song Jaegyeom.

Father. You called?

Jaegyeom. How old are you this year?

32 years old.

Your actual age.

30 years old sir.


(T/N: Under the Korean age system, babies are considered to be one year old on the day they are born, and every January 1, a year is added to peoples ages regardless of their actual birthdate. )

As a sigh escaped the chairmans mouth, Song Jaegyeom lowered his head like a sinner.

You can only be a player if youre 29, right?

Yes, sir.

Arent you feeling unjust? Just a one-year difference and you could be a player.


Why? Becoming a player would give you abilities, even if youre incompetent. How great is that, to gain supernatural abilities even if youre inept? Right?


Closing the door, he pondered deeply.

How did things come to this point?

Its all because of that Ma Kyeong-rok guy.

When someone is repeatedly compared to the point where it becomes like a label in ones ears, its inevitable to harbor resentment.

Who wouldnt want to become a player, claiming its themselves?

What can you do about bad luck.

Some might consider it fortunate to be excluded by just a one-year difference.

After all, it was a life-or-death survival game.

But for Song Jaegyeom, whose reality was hell, it was nothing but misfortune.

I wish I had become a player at least

If that were the case, he could have competed with Ma Kyeong-rok on an equal footing.

Regretting now is pointless.

Thud, thud

With the sound of footsteps, Song Jaegyeom walked.

Click, creak

Entering his private office, he leaned against the back of the chair.


Taking off his glasses for a moment, he massaged his temples.

Stress had been overwhelming lately.

Player Place was Ma Kyeong-roks?

It was the first time he heard this information.

Suddenly, irritation surged within him.

Without even knowing, he had recommended it to cafe members to use.

Wasnt this indirectly helping the rival he wanted to kill?

Frowning, he saw another article that caught his eye.

[National Assembly member Lee Seong-hyun. Massive Player Act passes!]

[Lee Seong-hyun says, Players are like societys cancer.]

[With the increase in player crimes, voices supporting Lee Seong-hyun are growing]

[When the law is enacted, players will be suppressed by force!]

[Player catching players? We decided to prioritize players among the police.]

[As early as next month, a large player police organization will be formed.]

As expected, that guy was a troublesome.

Song Jaegyeom also harbors a disdain for players.

However, to expand influence and compete with Ma Kyung-rok, its unavoidable to side with the players.

That member of the National Assembly. We cant leave him alone.

Seeing that the meeting time had arrived, Song Jaegyeom logged into the chat room.

[The chairman has joined the chat room.]

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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