Published at 28th of June 2024 06:04:48 AM

Chapter 107: What's Your Name (2)

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Chapter 107: What's Your Name (2)

I cant believe I was kidnapped.

The moment Lee Seong-hyun opened his eyes, he quickly assessed the situation.

Recalling his memories before passing out, the conversation with the woman who brought him here, and being bound to the chair, all signs pointed to a kidnapping.

Of course, it was clear who had done it.

That woman. Shes the one who kidnapped me.

Given the force she used when knocking him out, she was undoubtedly a player.

Probably retaliating for the law I proposed.

Wasnt that why he hired bodyguards to begin with?

Those bodyguards are utterly useless. Worthless.

Then, it happened.


The cabin door swung open, and a man with a somewhat tan complexion walked in.

He introduced himself earlier as someone coming to rescue me. But whats his connection to that woman?New novel chapters are published on

The atmosphere didnt suggest they were on the same side.

After all, she was begging for her life.

However, that alone couldnt confirm him as an ally. So, Lee Seong-hyun kept a watchful eye.

Hes probably not an ordinary person but a player.

Then, the man approached Lee Seong-hyun and extended his hand.

Startled, thinking it was an attack, Lee Seong-hyun flinched.


But all the man did was tear the rope.

Sorry for the delay in untying you, Congressman Lee Seong-hyun. I had to tie up some loose ends outside.

Loose ends? You mean that woman?

Yes, as youve shared, she is indeed the one responsible for your kidnapping. Ive taken care of her, so you need not worry.

Yes, turning him to the police was something even he couldnt force himself to do. Despite this young man being a player he held in hatred, he was still the person who saved his life.

What do you desire from me? If you expect me to revoke the law as compensation for saving me, thats utterly

Please proceed with the law. Maintain your current perspective. Thats all I request.

Frankly, Lee Seong-hyun was taken aback. It was the opposite of what he had anticipated.

He betrayed his comrades and saved him, and it was all for such a straightforward reason.

If thats all is there anything else

I desire nothing more. I acted according to my convictions, and like I said before, I dont oppose your law.

A player who supported his law

For some reason, Lee Seong-hyun felt a sense of embarrassment.

In any case, thank you. You saved me, and I will find a way to return

At that moment, the sound of approaching footsteps reached their ears.

It appears the police have tracked us down. I must depart.

Just like that?

Ryu Min turned to leave, disregarding Lee Seong-hyuns bewildered expression.

It was a pleasure talking to you. Everything you have witnessed and heard, you may share with the police.


In response to Lee Seong-hyuns call, Ryu Min turned his head.

What is your name?

As if wanting to at least know the name of the person who had rescued him, Lee Seong-hyun gazed at Ryu Min.

My name is

With a faint smile, Ryu Min replied.

I am known as Black Scythe.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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