Published at 28th of June 2024 06:07:43 AM

Chapter 11: Convenience Store (2)

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Chapter 11: Convenience Store (2)

Ryu Wons stomach grumbled loudly, prompting Ryu Min to chuckle.

Are you hungry? Want to grab breakfast at the convenience store?

Uh, sure, that sounds good, Ryu Won replied, scratching his head self-consciously.

Despite the fact that eating at a convenience store might seem unappetizing for most people, it was the only option for the siblings, who were barely making ends meet.

Convenience stores had become so popular in recent years that they offered almost everything that people needed.

As they entered the store, Ryu Min walked over to the ATM.

What are you doing, Hyung? Ryu Won asked.

Just getting some cash, he replied as he inserted his card.

Ryu Won peeked over his shoulder and saw the balance displayed on the screen.

[Available balance: 133,202 won]

With a measly sum of 133,000 won, Ryu Mins entire fortune was hardly impressive, but for those who struggled to make ends meet, it was everything.

Despite his limited funds, Ryu Min managed to eke out a living by working part-time at a meat restaurant every weekend.

Although it was a relatively impoverished existence compared to others, he was able to get by.

However, to his younger brothers surprise, Ryu Min withdrew most of his savings in cash. What are you planning to do with all that money? his brother asked, bewildered.

I have something in mind, Ryu Min replied with a smile before heading into the convenience store.

His brother followed him inside, intending to purchase his usual instant noodles, but Ryu Min had other ideas. To his brothers astonishment, he headed straight for the frozen food section.

Here, pick something out from here, Ryu Min said, gesturing towards the expensive frozen foods.

But, Hyung, these are too expensive, his brother protested.

Its alright. Today, we can eat to our hearts content, Ryu Min replied, seemingly intent on spoiling themselves for once.

Did the boss at the restaurant give you a bonus or something? his brother asked, still suspicious.

You know he wouldnt do that. Its just that its New Years Day, and we cant celebrate it with just ramen.

His brothers discerning gaze seemed to probe him further, but Ryu Min simply shrugged it off. With all their expenses piling up, it wasnt easy to make ends meet, but he wanted to give his brother a special treat on this day.

Are you sure we can afford this? his brother asked, still hesitant.

We can, Ryu Min reassured him with a smile.

His brothers eyes lit up as he finally selected something hed been wanting to try for a while, spicy pork belly with chili paste.

Whats up?

You paid with your card earlier If you didnt need money, why did you withdraw 100,000 won?

He must have thought that Ryu Min withdrew cash because he needed it urgently.

I told you, I have a reason for it, Ryu Min replied, taking out a piece of paper and a pen from his pocket.

It was a lottery ticket.

Why do you have that, Hyung?

Cant you guess?

Only then did his brother realize why Ryu Min had withdrawn 100,000 won.

Are you going to buy lottery tickets?


But youre still a high school student. You cant buy lottery tickets, can you?

Forget already? Today, I turned 19.

Ah thats right.

He realized that today was Saturday, the day of the lottery draw.

But when he looked at the number of tickets that Ryu Min had brought, he was surprised.

Wait, how many did you buy? Twenty tickets? Are you seriously spending 100,000 won on lottery tickets?

The maximum purchase limit is 100,000 won per person, Ryu Min explained with vivid sadness.

His brother still jumped up and exclaimed, Are you insane, Hyung? How can we afford to spend 100,000 won on lottery tickets in our current situation?

Even buying just one as a celebratory purchase for turning into an adult was an enormous extravagance.

It may seem like a waste, but its necessary to spoil yourself once in a while, said Ryu Min.

But who knows if itll even work! Youre just throwing your money, replied his friend.

Lets wait and see, Ryu Min said confidently as if he knew he was going to win.

But that wasnt the only surprising thing.

Hyung, what are you doing? Why are you picking the same number twice in a row? His little brother was going insane.

Well, its the winning number, so why not? Ryu Min chuckled.

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