Published at 28th of June 2024 06:04:34 AM

Chapter 116: The Commotion

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Chapter 116: The Commotion

Eom Jun-seok?

Ryu Min remembered his nickname.

He was the one who had caught the boss attention during the High Orc battle.

Not intentionally, but because he had been frozen in fear.

You, you remember my nickname?

I just saw it briefly, but it seems Im right.

After all, he played a significant role in achieving a 1-second record in the time attack.

But why is this guy approaching me?

He had never spoken a word to Ryu Min before, yet here he was, approaching nervously.

-Oh, Black Scythe-nim remembers me I did good speaking to him!

Ryu Min read his thoughts and saw no ulterior motive.

It seemed like a simple greeting.

Even knowing this, Ryu Min bluntly asked, What do you want from me?

Ah, well, you saved me back then, and Ive been feeling guilty for not thanking you.

Eom Jun-seok bowed solemnly and seriously.

Thank you for saving my life.

I should be thanking you for drawing the High Orcs aggro.

Ryu Min swallowed these words and simply nodded.

Alright, you can go now.

Although it was a dismissal, Eom Jun-seok didnt move, looking disappointed.

Ah, wait. Dont tell me?

Ryu Min glanced back and forth between Heo Taeseok and Um Jun-seok.

Their gazes seemed similarly devoted.

It feels like Ive gained another follower

Ignoring Ryu Mins offer to leave, Eom Jun-seok continued, Its an honor to party with Black Scythe. Im looking forward to working together.

Hold on. Youre Eom Jun-seok, right? What do you mean Black Scythe-nim saved you?

Oh, that was when

Interrupted by Heo Taeseok, Eom Jun-seok detailed the perilous situation he had faced.

Ah, that time when Black Scythe-nim appeared.

Yes. It was truly fortunate. But you are

Sorry for the late introduction. Im Old-Man-No-Gay. Are you interested in religion?


Im recruiting people for a new cause

The two continued their conversation, leaving Ryu Min aside.

Hes trying to recruit followers even now.

Heo Taeseok, usually awkward, was eloquent in front of Eom Jun-seok, especially when it came to Black Scythe.

Let them be. More followers for me isnt bad.

Although their whispering felt a bit like being a third wheel, it didnt matter to Ryu Min as long as they didnt bother him.

Then, Elf Yugrito used the wind spirit to announce to everyone, We will start moving now. Please take care of us, warriors from the other world.

With that as the signal, the caravan started moving.

Clip-clop, clip-clop.

The white horse pulled the wheel-less carriage.

Following the procession of 30 carriages, about 700 players also moved, naturally dividing to escort the carriages on both sides, vigilant for any monster attacks.

Despite their appearance, these players had survived up to the 7th round.

The forest was beautiful, but they werent lost in appreciation, aware that anything could emerge in this otherworldly realm.

However, Ryu Min was distinctly relaxed, as if on a neighborhood stroll, already knowing when and what monsters would appear.

Harpy, Lizardman, Werewolf. These three types will attack alternately, every 10 minutes.

Like the Dwarf Guild, there would be 30 attacks, but with half the number of monsters, stronger than orcs.

We should kill at least 10 per player. It wont be easy for the others.

Despite the medium difficulty, only Ryu Min knew the tough journey ahead.

Its a monster! Everyone be careful!



Harpy attacks began, catching the players off guard facing flying monsters for the first time.

But soon, seeing Ryu Min effortlessly slaying Harpies, they realized they could attack when the monsters descended.

Since they use their beaks and claws to attack, you just need to slice them when they get close.

Inspired by Ryu Mins prowess with his Death Scythe, players wielded their weapons and skills to protect the elves.

Just threaten to kill her and you will stop the guild.

Targeting the princess was the most efficient way.

The traitors wont know shes inside, though.

They suspected that the decorated carriage contained valuables.

Well, the princess is valuable, so theyre on the right track.

As long as you reach Seoul, the path doesnt matter.

The traitors agreed to target the princesss carriage.

And isnt the next monster to appear the Werewolf?

Timing their attacks with the monsters appearance could create the desired situation.

They might not succeed, but I should be prepared.

Ryu Min subtly moved to a spot out of sight.

Then, shouts erupted.



As the Werewolves appeared, Ryu Min activated his skill.

Night Death.

Darkness swiftly enveloped the forest.

Players initially flustered, calmly faced the monsters, knowing it was Black Scythes skill.

Looks like Black Scythe used his skill, but it doesnt matter.

I can see still fight, even in the dark.

But they overlooked one thing.

Werewolves become 30% stronger at night.


Their eyes turned red, and their claws grew bigger.


As they moved more agilely, the players panicked.

For the traitors, though, it was an opportunity.

Black Scythe used his skill for us to operate in the dark.

Youre the best Black Scythe!

They rushed to the decorated carriage, suspecting valuables inside.

It must contain something to threaten the elves!

Approaching the carriage, they went unnoticed in the darkness.

But that was short-lived when one of them touched the carriage handle.

Whish! Swoosh!


His hand was sliced off by the wind blade.


His scream alerted the elves, and Yugrito, the elf knight captain, rushed to the princesss carriage.

Whats happening?

A warrior dared to attack the carriage!

Another traitor tried to open the carriage, triggering a reverse-gravity spell that threw him into the air.


He plummeted to a gruesome death.

Yet, two traitors remained.

Opening the carriage, they found the princess, Eufinelcia, with rabbit-like eyes.

We thought it was valuables, but

Something better! Hehehe.

With the princess captured, the game seemed over.

The princess is in danger!

Hearing the commotion, Yugrito drew his sword and ran over.

What are you doing! Protect the princess!

He stopped mid-sentence, seeing the two traitors already lying on the ground.

What happened?

The darkness had lifted, and sunlight bathed the carriage.

A man was kicking the traitors with his foot as if to check if they were unconscious.

It was none other than Black Scythe.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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