Published at 28th of June 2024 06:04:21 AM

Chapter 119: The Last Time Regressor (2)

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Chapter 119: The Last Time Regressor (2)

Kill it!

Several players surrounded the ogre.

Or rather, the ogre had allowed them to surround it.

It was better for the ogre to take them all at once from its point of view.

Puff puff puff-!

Swinging a club as thick as a minotaur, the players were knocked away without a chance to dodge.

Bang-! Crunch-! Crack-!

Stepping on them and smashing their heads with the club or palms.

With every attack from the ogre, players died hopelessly.

Damn it! What is that?!

The ogre is that strong?

There must be an error, right?

Already 30 bodies lay dead because of one ogre, and the number was increasing.

If a thousand attacked at once, they might be able to stop it, but the extent of the damage was uncertain.

Then, darkness engulfed the surroundings.


Black Scythe?

Players, looking around, saw Ryu Min extending the Death Scythe, calm as if waiting for this moment.

It was time to try his newly learned skill.

Crimson Moon.

Ryu Mins eyes seemed to turn red and a flash of light appeared.

Startled by the sudden darkness, the ogre noticed the beam of light.



The club was sliced in half, and a long scar appeared across the ogres chest.

The second beam of light cut even deeper across the chest.


The ogre raised its hand in pain, but the third light sliced off its forearm.

The fourth flash cut through the neck, and the fifth sliced the falling body once more.

Swoosh- Thump!

What happened in just 10 seconds was clearly witnessed by the players.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Black Scythe was an opponent not even thousands of players could defeat.

As the darkness lifted and Ryu Min turned around, he saw the Archbishop staring with his mouth half open.

Just as planned.

Ryu Min now confirmed that the Archbishop was watching him slaughtering the ogre.

Surely, a strong impression had been made.

Shouldnt you at least share your thoughts after watching the show?

He was now waiting to be called, but he couldnt ignore the eyes around him that looked at him with great intensity.

To use such an unbelievable skill five times in a row?

Crazy. What kind of job is that?

What do you want?

Oh, my. Its nothing else. The Archbishop wishes to see you.


Yes. It seems the Archbishop was deeply impressed by your battle.

Understood. Where should I go?

This way.

Following the captain, Ryu Min stopped in front of the carriage the Archbishop was in.

Please enter.

As the door opened, the Archbishop gestured for him to come in.


Sitting opposite, the door of the carriage closed.

After a moment of silence, the Archbishop spoke first.

To get straight to the point. Ive called you here to make an offer.

An offer?

As someone in a high position, Im subjected to various threats and am looking for a personal bodyguard to stay by my side for a long time.

The Archbishop said with an arrogant voice.

So what do you think? Would you become my bodyguard? Such an opportunity is rare.

Indeed, such opportunities are rare.

In this world, the Archbishop is an individual of the same stature as the Pope.

In the Holy Empire, the Archbishops influence is second to none.

But also turning down such a persons offer is truly rare.

Ryu Min quickly replied.

I refuse.

I thought as much What did you say?

The Archbishop, who expected acceptance, was dumbfounded by the refusal.

I appreciate the offer, but Im not confident in protecting someone. I apologize.

Refusing to build a relationship with the Archbishop when any connection would be beneficial.

It was an action Ryu Min wouldnt normally take, but this time he had to refuse.

To obtain the rune of the future, he couldnt afford to be seen as an underling of the Archbishop.

Ha, youre different from the others. Everyone else tries to grovel at my feet.

I havent heard your name yet?

Instead of a name, Ryu Min had set his title to public.

[The Last Time Regressor]

He revealed a title he hadnt shown to anyone else to the Archbishop.

Its all to obtain the rune of the future.

After all, the Archbishop is as good as dead.

The Archbishops eyes widened in shock.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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