Published at 28th of June 2024 06:04:20 AM

Chapter 120: 8th Round Results (2)

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Chapter 120: 8th Round Results (2)

Ryu Min completed the traitor quest as he had wished.

Then, what about the other regular group players?

Turning his gaze, they were still locked in a bloody battle with the Minotaurs.

Just as I expected.

The quest for the regular group was to escort the guild to its destination.

That is, if the carriages are still moving when all the allotted time has been used up, its a success.

Conversely, the traitor groups quest was to hinder the guild from reaching its destination.

Meaning, that the carriage must not be at the destination when the time is up for them to succeed.

But theres another condition for success for the traitor group.

That is when all the otherworldly beings are killed.

Like now.

If all the otherworldly beings in the caravan are killed, the system judges that the carriage can no longer move and determines the traitor group has succeeded.

The success message that popped up a little while ago was proof of that.

Then, did the regular group fail?

Not yet.

Since there were still a little over 5 minutes left, the system didnt consider it a failure.

That means theres still a chance.

If they can just get the carriage to the destination, the regular group can also succeed in the quest.

In other words, even if there are no NPCs, just getting the carriage to the destination fulfills the success condition.

For that to work, theres a very simple method.

Ryu Min created a clone and placed it in the leading carriage.

And he made the carriage move towards the destination.

If the leading carriage moves, the other carriages will follow even if theyre empty.

Having experimented in the past rounds, there was no doubt in his mind.

It was a cunning use of a bug in the system.

This way, both I and the regular group survive.

If his clone leads the guild to the destination, even without Ryu Min, the regular group can complete their quest.

A moment later.

[You will be moved to the waiting place.]

With that message, Ryu Mins figure disappeared.

He blinked once and arrived in the gray space where the traitors had gathered.

Min Juri and Seo Arin, Heo Taeseok, and Eom Jun-seok were also visible.

Everyone survived.

Only a very few had died, but the thousands he had seen at the start were all gathered in one place.

If he hadnt exploited the systems bugs, half of them would have disappeared by now.

But the disappearance due to contribution is something I cant stop.

Soon, Angel Ariel appeared in front of the crowd.

[The escort quest has ended. Surprisingly, not many humans died. Thanks to someone.]

Ariels gaze briefly, but pointedly, turned towards Ryu Min.

[For your information, since there are traitors left, there are no completers of the sub-quest. Shall we see the results now?]

Round 8 Results Tally

[All Areas]

1st Place. Black Scythe (Lv80 Reaper) Contribution 281,283 points

2nd Place. Krissy (Lv40 Priest) Contribution 86,331 points

3rd Place. Democracy (Lv38 Buffer) Contribution 82,113 points

[Area C2-ESKA003]

1st Place. Black Scythe (Lv80 Reaper) Contribution 281,283 points

2nd Place. Democracy (Lv38 Buffer) Contribution 82,113 points

3rd Place. Jo Yong-ho (Lv39 Mercenary King) Contribution 74,213 points

The contributions were converted into numbers.

Once again, Black Scythe took an overwhelming lead in contribution.

Unlike other players, he alone swept through three guilds, collecting monsters, so it was naturally high.

Once again securing 1st place, players clicked their tongues in amazement.

But more than anything, the overwhelming level 80 stunned the players into silence.

Insane. How did he reach level 80 already?

I havent even hit level 40 yet.

Wow, I worked like a dog for 5 hours and still cant catch up to Black Scythe.

I really want to know his leveling secret.

Envy, jealousy, and awe were mixed in the gazes directed at Ryu Min.

Regardless, Ryu Min focused solely on the reward that appeared before him.

It was the reward for completing the traitor quest, obscured by a question mark.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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