Published at 28th of June 2024 06:04:04 AM

Chapter 128: The Inspection (2)

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Chapter 128: The Inspection (2)

Walking down the corridor, they soon encountered three people coming out of a room.

Faces he had memorized.

Their names were Gu Yeon-seung, Jang Bokchul, Kang Su-hyun, right?

Despite the distance of 30m, the conversation between the four could be heard due to how quiet the club was.

Hey? Senior, where are you going?

To grab some drinks. And some weed too.

Already ran out?

Yeah. I said Id go alone, but these juniors couldnt wait and insisted on coming along.

Laughing, the younger ones said to Gu Yeon-seung.

Ah, how can we sit still when senior is working so hard?

Hehe, definitely not because we wanted to smoke quickly.

Their laughter indicated how addicted they were to marijuana.

Youre barely able to stand and youre talking about that? Just rest. Ill bring both the drinks and weed.

Um, could you really do that for us?

Of course. Go inside and have fun. Ill bring everything.

Ha, thank you! Senior!

Jang Bokchul bowed deeply, and Gu Yeon-seung chuckled.

You bow like that, you really look like a gangster.

My face does have that gangster look, isnt it? Hehe.

Gu senior, Jang Bokchul senior might look like that but hes really innocent. Hes never done it before. Kekeke.

Ah, really? He looks like a gangster, this is really unexpected?

Hehe, dont tease me, seniors.

Jang Bokchul seemed shy, scratching his head.

No wonder youve been calling Seo Arins name to the point of getting an earful. Is there a reason for your obsession?

As Gu Yeon-seung mentioned Seo Arin, Ryu Mins gaze changed.

Senior, is it really true that well see Seo Arin tomorrow?

Yeah. Sun-ah contacted me. Said she arranged a meeting with her at a cafe for lunch.

Then, am I really losing my virginity tomorrow?

Of course. Our Bokchuls ideal woman well be visiting us. Ill let you have your turn first.

Thank you, senior! Really, thank you!

Jang Bokchul bowed several times.

But after you, its our turn, right?

Ah, of course! After Im done, seniors can have all the fun.

This guy, always putting himself first, eh?

Ha, ha, ha!

Jang Bokchul seemed genuinely happy.

Reading his thoughts, they were too filthy to utter.

-Hehe, when Seo Arin comes tomorrow, Ill try everything, damn it I cant wait!

Ryu Min turned away, feeling he had heard enough.

Jang Bokchul, this bastard, is your friend, right?

Who, who are you?!

Seems so.

He erased Jang Bokchuls corpse with a trace removal technique.

Smelled trash from somewhere. So, you were all gathered here.

You, what are you!

Without a word, Ryu Min drew his Death Scythe.

The crowd fell silent in unison.

Anyone, not a fool would have understood enough from that alone.

Is, is that

A scythe?

Could it be Black Scythe?

Some actors shook their heads, denying reality.

Nah, it cant be. Why would Black Scythe show up here?

Yeah. Just because he has a scythe doesnt mean hes that guy.

The two actors who were talking released Seo Arin, and stepped forward.

These were Gu Yeon-seungs loyal dogs.

Hey, you bastard. How did you get in here?

Did you kill Bokchul? Huh?

Ryu Min sighed and murmured.

Seems you havent grasped the situation yet

Son of a bitch, you dare to sigh in front of us? Youll die


With a single movement in the darkness, Ryu Mins scythe flowed.

The heads of the two actors slid off as if buttered.

Cut as smoothly as tofu, there was no sound of slicing.

Just like that, in a moment, the two were reduced to corpses.

Thump, thump!


The remaining actors recoiled in horror, panic written all over their faces.

Seo Arin was no exception.

Is, is that really Black Scythe? For real?

His voice differed, making her skeptical, but Seo Arin couldnt deny it.

The figure who appeared like a white knight was indeed the Black Scythe she knew.

Ryu Min pointed his scythe at the remaining ones.

This is really annoying, so just come at me all at once. And dont even think about playing tricks.

A soft voice flowed from behind the mask.

Anyway, not a single one of you will leave this place alive.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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