Published at 28th of June 2024 06:04:02 AM

Chapter 129: Advice (2)

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Chapter 129: Advice (2)

Seo Arin.


Its our first time meeting in reality.

Ah, em.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Seo Arins eyes widened in surprise, then rounded in realization.

Yes, nice to meet you, Black Scythe-nim.

Gu Yeon-seung looked at her with a face that said he couldnt believe what he was seeing.

Hong Sun-ah while groaning and also glared at Seo Arin.

Seo, Seo Arin knows Black Scythe?

How could that b*tch know Black Scythe? Could it be?

A common assumption arose in both of their minds.

Could it be that b*tch asked Black Scythe for support?

If so, then the ones who actually fell into a trap are us?

Although Ryu Min knew they were misunderstanding, he didnt care.

They were going to die soon anyway.

Of course, I wont be the one to kill them.

Ryu Min intended to leave their judgment to Seo Arin.

It would be more satisfactory for her that way.

Seo Arin. Ill give you the opportunity to kill these two.

If you choose to let them live, I wont stop you. So you can decide their fate.

Surprised by the unexpected offer, Seo Arins eyes widened.

Gu Yeon-seung and Hong Sun-ah felt the same.

Realizing their lives hung on Seo Arins decision, they quickly pleaded.

Ah, Arin. No, Miss Arin! Please save me. Im Gu Yeon-seung. We did projects together, remember? Please remember our past relationship and spare me just this once

Shut up, senior Gu! If were talking about projects, Ive done far more with Arin! Arin, its me, your lifelong friend Sun-ah! Think of the memories we shared together. Huh? Please save me. I dont want to die yet, sob sob.

Look at that crazy b*tch, whining like that. Miss Arin, dont be fooled. Shes trash. Do you know how much she badmouthed you behind your back?

When did I ever! Dont believe a word senior Gu says! Its all lies!

Wow, such a shameless b*tch? To think such a person claims to be a friend. Im clearly the better choice.

Hah, I cant believe this. Who was the one shaking their hips thinking about doing that stuff when Arin comes? Which animal was that?

Me, when?! Dont make up things, you b*tch!

The two raised their voices.

Seo Arin, now holding the power of life and death, deliberated.

But her deliberation didnt last long.

There was no need to think about trash.

Both of you are eyesores.


It seems they were trash, preying on other players.

Thats right. And I was unaware

Seo Arin lowered her head, looking at the bodies.

Ryu Min, as if to help get rid of her gloomy thoughts, removed the bodies using the trace eraser.

The scene with nine bodies returned to its original clean state.

Forget what happened. Move forward, looking ahead. Think only of yourself. Dont mind others.

While Im at it, let me give you some more advice: be wary of people. Enemies arent always far away; theyre often closer than you think. Never let your guard down, always be vigilant and doubtful.

It wasnt something someone seeking Seo Arins trust would say, but Ryu Min was confident.

Advising her this way, he believed, would make her doubt others instead of him.

Sure enough, Seo Arin was reminded of two people: An Sang-cheol and Ma Kyung-rok.

Thank you for the advice thats both straight and valuable. I only receive help from you, Black Scythe. I dont know how I could ever repay you

As I said before, theres no need to repay me. If I had wanted something from you, I would have asked when I first saved you.

Seo Arins eyebrows twitched.

Saying he wanted nothing from her might have struck her pride.

This should be enough to achieve my goal.

As if sensing the timing, Ryu Min turned around and left a parting message.

If we leave together, it might raise suspicions, so come out after 5 minutes. Theres no evidence, so theres no need to call the police.

Ah, Black Scythe

With that, Ryu Min left the room.


Seo Arin stood still, looking in the direction where Black Scythe disappeared, planning to wait for 5 minutes as instructed.

During that time, Seo Arin mulled over Black Scythes advice.

Black Scythe is right. Ive been trusting Mr. Bodyguard and the CEO too much.

She had already harbored negative feelings towards Ma Kyung-rok.

Having tried to use her as a hostess before, it was inevitable.

If thats the case with the CEO, then his loyal subordinate, the bodyguard

He might act on unethical orders without hesitation.

That meant she could be backstabbed at any time, especially considering that An Sang-cheol had been assigned as a surveillance agent in the first place.

Maybe Ive been too naive, trusting the people around me.

Was it because she was almost betrayed by a fellow actor she trusted?

Or was it because of Black Scythes advice?

Doubt and wariness began to grow in Seo Arins heart.

At the same time, she became certain of one thing.

Her heart was pounding for Black Scythe.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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