Published at 28th of June 2024 06:03:56 AM

Chapter 133: Round 9 Begins (2)

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Chapter 133: Round 9 Begins (2)

Ryu Min had already informed his acquaintances of this fact through prophecy.

Thus, Ma Kyung-rok and Ryu Mins acquaintances had no dilemmas.

They had already thought it through in the real world.

Im going for number 2, Black Scythe-nim!

Ill also go with 2. Thanks for the buff, Democracy!

Seo Arin and An Sang-cheol disappeared first.

Before moving, they didnt forget to receive Min Juris buff.

They had learned from Ryu Mins prophecy that the buff would remain even after moving.

Hearing this, Min Juri happily shared her buff with Black Scythe and others.

It was nice meeting you, Black Scythe, Democracy. Ill be going ahead.

After choosing, Ma Kyung-rok disappeared next.

He didnt say what he chose, but Ryu Min knew he had selected 3.New novel chapters are published on

Ill go ahead too. Lets all meet alive.

Once Yamti disappeared, only Ryu Min and Min Juri were left to make their choices.

Where are you going, Mr. Black Scythe? Surely to number 5?

Well, its a tough choice.

Im going for 1. See you later, Black Scythe-nim!

After Min Juri disappeared, Ryu Min was finally alone.

The reason he had delayed his choice was different.

He needed to change his appearance.

My choice is

Ryu Min cast invisibility.

Transforming into an assassin masked as Lostyak, he became unnoticeable to others.

Just before the remaining 5 seconds, Ryu Mins finger moved.

As he chose a monster, his figure completely vanished.

* * *

In the fantasy world, theres one rule.

Players nicknames are not visible to each other.

Last round, the angel said it was because there was a traitor group, but thats not the case.

Min Juris choice of 1 was also based on her combat capabilities.

With my current level, it would be natural to go for 5, the Minotaur, but the Sub-Quest is more important.

The Sub-Quest reward is available to only one person across all areas.

Its essential for dealing with angels, so he couldnt miss it.

Do you guys speak Korean? Since I cant see your nicknames, Im not sure if youre players.

Since youre speaking Korean, you must be.

But why cant we see nicknames again?

Is it because theyre hidden when we enter the fantasy world?

Anyway, there are fewer people than I thought. Wasnt Lizardman supposed to be the easiest?

Right. I thought there would be a huge crowd here.

Maybe thats not the case?

Im getting anxious

While the players chattered, an NPC-like bearded foreigner appeared.

Have you all rested enough? Im Kalz Garcia, the leader of the Golden Eagle Mercenary Groups extermination team. Although youre renowned warriors from another world, since youre apprentices here, Ill speak informally. Understand.

After saying this, Kalz shouted, Follow me, men! and turned around.

The players followed Kalz, thinking dangerous and curious thoughts like What if we kill this guy? Would the extermination fail, and we all perish?

Some were tempted to actually try it, but no one dared.

No one is insane enough to risk not only their life but the existence of an entire group of players too.

Otherwise, they wouldnt have struggled to survive until now.

After walking for about 10 minutes, Kalz stopped at the gloomy entrance to a forest.

Here we are, warriors from another world! This is the Magical Swamp where Lizardmen appear. You will join me in exterminating the Lizardman remnants here. Lets get going!

Kalz led the way with enthusiasm, and the tense players followed.

Since it wasnt a party, Min Juri applied a buff to herself and gripped her sword tightly.

She had never faced Lizardmen before, but she was somewhat reassured by the unique armor she received from Ryu Min.

However, neither she, Captain Kalz, nor anyone else there knew one fact.

That one person had left the group.

None other than Ryu Min, Lostyak.

[You have completed the Sub-Quest!]

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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