Published at 28th of June 2024 06:03:52 AM

Chapter 135: The 99th Floor (2)

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Chapter 135: The 99th Floor (2)

With identical stats, skills, and abilities, how could one defeat such a mirror-like existence?

Having attempted to conquer the 99th floor numerous times, Ryu Min already knew the answer.

If I cant win, I endure. Thats the only option.

This battle cannot go on forever.

Although unseen, there is a time limit.

A whopping 24 hours.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The true strategy for the 99th floor is to endure against oneself for 24 hours.

The system only said to face the enemy, not to kill it.

Meaning, the main purpose of the 99th floor is to test ones mental strength against oneself.

Defeating oneself is impossible.

Despite numerous attempts, he had never once defeated his clone.

Of course, winning would be great, but past experiences show that enduring is the answer.

If winning is not an option, then endure.

But losing is not acceptable.

If he shows even a moment of weakness, the clone will kill Ryu Min.

That would mean instant disqualification.

The reward for the 99th floor would be forever out of reach.

That absolutely cannot happen.

This is why Ryu Min gritted his teeth and endured.

Of course, it wasnt hard yet.

Only an hour has passed.

Though the exact time isnt shown, by estimation, 23 hours remain.

Its like a long marathon.

The invisibility of time makes it tough, but Ryu Min found it rather fortunate.

Seeing the time could make one waver. Better not to see it for peace of mind.

Until now, he had checked the time but decided not to be conscious of it anymore.

For the remaining 23 hours, he would exchange blows with the clone in front of him time and time again.

By enduring and persisting,

The time will end, and I will be able to clear the 99th floor.

Reaffirming his resolve, he raised his scythe again.

For the ultimate reward of the 99th floor.

* * *

Clang- Clang-!



The opponents Moonlight Slash loomed before him.

Instinctively prepared, Ryu Min countered with the same skill.


The explosion brought him back to his senses.

I must protect them. If I dont want to see the world fall apart again, I must endure.

If he dies here, the reward for the 99th floor is gone.

Losing the means to oppose the angels, even if he conquers the 20th round, theres no hope.

I must have been out of my mind.

As if doused in cold water, Ryu Mins sanity returned.


Blocking the scythe aimed at his head, they engaged in a power struggle.

Like a tug-of-war, neither gave in.

Ryu Mins body staggered forward.


The clone, which had been locked in a power struggle just moments ago, suddenly vanished like a mirage.

[You have endured the 24-hour limit.]

[You have cleared the 99th floor of the Tower of Trials.]

[You are the first player to clear the 99th floor of the Tower of Trials.]

[You have set an unprecedented record in the history of the Tower of Trials!]

[Your achievement will be recorded in the Akashic Records.]

He had finally conquered the 99th floor he so desired.

Now he could finally relax.


As if all his energy was drained, Ryu Min sat down on the ground.

Huff, huff.

When he was catching his breath to the point of not seeing the messages,

[The Tower of Trials admires the players extraordinary mental strength.]

[Your physical and mental strength have been fully restored.]

[You have obtained the title Supreme Being.]

As his physical and mental strength were restored, the message came into view.

I finally got it. The title to oppose the angels.

Ryu Min opened the titles information window.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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