Published at 28th of June 2024 06:03:37 AM

Chapter 143: Practice (2)

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Chapter 143: Practice (2)

Ryu Min used one of the common skills, [Area Search].

It displayed the surroundings within a 500m radius like a mini-map.

A map window appeared in front of Ryu Mins eyes, visible to others as well.

Many red dots, seemingly representing life forms, were visible on the map.

And among them, one was uniquely moving.

Look. You can see someone running through the alleys on the map, cant you?New novel chapters are published on no/vel(b)in(.)co/m

Yes, really!

As Ryu Min said, there was one dot selectively

moving through the alleys, seemingly avoiding peoples eyes.

This individual is likely the criminal.


Lets catch them before they get away.

Yes, understood!

The members followed Ryu Min into the alley, but the distance quickly widened until Ryu Mins figure disappeared from sight.

What, what? How can he be this fast?

It was like comparing a car to a bicycle.

Despite running at full speed, they couldnt catch up to Ryu Mins pace.


Ryu Min wasnt wearing any items during the duel, but now he was fully equipped.

With a significant increase in agility stats, his speed was incomparable to before.

Unable to keep up with the squad leader, the members were amazed.

We cant catch up at all.

The more I see, the more impressive he is.

Since they lost sight of him, they had no choice but to rely on the area search skill.

Members with the skill followed the map, chasing Black Scythe.

The woman, terrified at the sight of the corpse, crawled away in horror.


Ryu Min retrieved his scythe, showing no mercy in killing the criminal.

His coldness left the members speechless.

Are you okay?

Yes Yes

Dont worry. Youre safe now.

After comforting the trembling woman, Ryu Min turned to the members.

Whats wrong?

W-We didnt expect you to kill the criminal without attempting to arrest

According to the player crime law, there are two cases where immediate execution of a criminal player is allowed. One is for criminals who have committed serious crimes like murder, robbery, and rape. The other is when they pose an imminent threat to civilians. He qualified for both. Killing the store owner is circumstantial, but matching the CCTV footage with his clothes would prove it. Even if not, he was already a target for immediate execution the moment he threatened a civilian.

On the scene, quick judgment is crucial. The speed at which you apprehend criminals can prevent further victims. Its the same now. Had I not intervened, there could have been a second victim, right?

The members couldnt argue.

If Ryu Min hadnt pursued, the woman might have died simply for crossing paths in the alley.

It was too dangerous to capture him alive. Immediate execution was necessary. Thats why we compare players to time bombs. If you cant shield everyone from a time bomb, its wise to remove the fuse early.

While it wasnt a fuse but the brain that was blown away, the members didnt see the action as too harsh.

Having already witnessed a brutal murder scene, they couldnt sympathize with the criminal.

Well, they were members who fluttered at the thought of criminals anyway.

Squad leader, what about the body? Should we erase the traces?

No. We cant destroy evidence. The regular police have been notified and are on their way here. We dealt with the threatening player and only need to report the situation. Leave the rest to the regular police.

Ah, got it.

Now youve seen an example, you roughly know what to do, right? Quick judgment, criminal search, and rescuing people are key. Got it?

Yes! We understand!

Seeing the members newfound determination, Ryu Min smiled warmly from behind his mask.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!