Published at 28th of June 2024 06:03:34 AM

Chapter 145: To Nigeria (2)

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Chapter 145: To Nigeria (2)

Nigeria is located in West Africa and is considered one of the most dangerous regions in Africa.

The level of public safety is poor, with frequent daylight robberies and endless criminal activities between organizations.

Murder, kidnapping, rape, and human trafficking occur as part of daily life in a completely different world.

Who thought that the alchemist is in such a place?

After 17 hours, Ryu Mins group arrived at Murtala International Airport and went through immigration.

Just by looking at their age, it was obvious they were players, so they passed without any problems.

After retrieving their luggage, Ryu Min recalled the captains advice as they disembarked from the flight.

I dont know the purpose of your visit to Nigeria, but please be careful. Especially, you must absolutely not take airport taxis. There are countless tourists who were threatened and robbed after boarding one without knowing. Well, you look young, so I doubt there will be scammers targeting players, but its still better to be cautious.

It wasnt a joke or meant to scare them without reason.

Its a dangerous country enough to genuinely worry even if they knew you were a player.

Master. Where shall we go now?

First, lets disguise ourselves. Wait here.

Ryu Min, having packed the necessary tools in his luggage, enteredthe airport bathroom.

When he came out, his face was completely changed.

By sticking a beard on Lostyaks slightly aged face, he became a perfect 40-something man.

This way, they wont know were players.

What about me?

You look fine as you are.

Yamti had already applied makeup to look older.

There seemed no need to tamper further.Updated from n0velbIn.(c)o/m

To foreign eyes, youll appear at least in your 30s.

Hmph, thats mean.

Ignoring Yamtis grumbling, Ryu Min looked around for a taxi.

Despite being obviously tourists, there were taxi drivers hawking from everywhere, but Ryu Min didnt just hop into any.

This ones not it, that ones not it either.

He read the taxi drivers minds before moving on to find another.


Found it.

Ryu Min knocked on the trunk of a taxi.

Please open.

Okay, okay!

The taxi driver, a man in his 40s, cheerfully opened the trunk after replying in English.

After loading their luggage, they got into the back seat.

Before Ryu Min could argue about not receiving the taxi fare, the driver had already gotten out.

Following him, Ryu Min saw the taxi driver making contact with an armed thug.

Got them here.

Two people?

Yeah. One man, one woman. Isnt it perfect?

No backstabbing, right?

Do I look like Im doing this for the first time? Just pay up. Im going out to eat. Driving for 5 hours made me hungry.

The thug, with a cloth over his face, flipped his automatic rifle behind him and pulled out a bundle of bills from his pocket.

Good job.

Hehe, thanks.

Counting the money and then smiling slyly at them, the taxi drivers behavior gave Yamti the chills.

Though she didnt understand the English conversation, she wasnt foolish enough not to realize.

She had been sold to a human trafficking ring.

The armed thug, flicking the guns barrel, said.

You understand English, right? Both of you, come here. Unless you want to die.

What are you hesitating for? You f***ers. Havent you grasped the situation yet?

It seems youre the one who hasnt grasped the situation.


Ryu Min smirked and peeled off the fake beard on his lips.

The thugs eyes changed.

Though his face was covered by cloth, making it impossible to see his expression, his thoughts were clear.

He was panicking, seeing a younger face than expected.

The taxi driver was equally surprised.

As expected, brought to a human trafficking ring.

It might seem like they were captured, but they had allowed themselves to be captured.

It didnt take long for the man with the rifle to realize this fact.


The taxi drivers head burst open like a smashed watermelon.

Slurp- Clack!

After retrieving his scythe, Ryu Min warned the armed thug.

Come closer. Unless you want to die.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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