Published at 28th of June 2024 06:03:30 AM

Chapter 147: KF (2)

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Chapter 147: KF (2)

Uncle, are you okay?

Ah, Riki. How long have you been watching?

From the start.

Viktor was as fond of the children as they were of him, and Riki was the child who followed him the most closely.

At this point, I get anxious if I dont see Riki around every few hours.

Viktor, shaking his head, cautiously asked,

Do you like living here, Riki?

Of course not. Its dirty and boring here. And the men with guns are scary.

Hearing this, Viktor discreetly looked around.

After ensuring no one was in earshot and not detected by his sense skill, he whispered,

What if, just hypothetically, I said we could leave together, would you come with me?

Yes! I like you, uncle. Ill go with you!

Shh, speak quietly. If someone hears, Ill get in trouble like before.

Okay, shhh

Riki covered his mouth with his tiny palms, bringing a smile to Viktors face.

But that smile quickly faded with Rikis next question.

Uncle, are we really going to leave this place?

Eh? Well, its not definite

If we do leave, can the other kids come too? They all want to leave as well.

Why arent you answering? Cant we all leave together?

Viktor couldnt respond.

I wish we could. If only we could

But he had no confidence in escaping without being detected with ten children in tow.

Sigh, escape. Such a fictional thought.

He was worried about surviving the next round in his current state, let alone escaping from reality.

Reality and the other world are both hellish in their own ways.

He just wanted to go home.

To return to Lagos, his hometown.

He frequently thought of his parents and younger sister.

My sister should be a player too How is she? Has she survived up to the 9th round like me?

Since he was kidnapped before awakening, he had no way of knowing.

If only I knew her nickname, maybe I could find her in the other world

Then, he could ask for her help, couldnt he?

Caught in these thoughts, Viktor soon let out a self-deprecating laugh.

As if I could even request help without knowing where I am

Why did you lie?

Im sorry

Ha, sorry? Ha!

The boss and the members burst into laughter, reveling in Viktors plight.

Why they were laughing was beyond Viktor until the boss revealed the truth.

He had foolishly fallen for a simple trick.

Thought you were smart, being a doctor and all, but turns out youre just a fool! Ha! To think youd fall for such an elementary ruse! Ha!

Daren suddenly stopped laughing, and the atmosphere turned serious as the members followed suit.


You dared to deceive me? Ha, must have been fun, right? Laughing at the foolish boss who fell for your lies? Ha, fine. I admit it. I was a fool. But you see,

His sinister gaze shifted towards the children.

I dont take deception lightly.

At his signal, a member grabbed Riki.

Why, why are you doing this! Let go!


That kid seems quite fond of you, huh?

As Daren sneered, Viktor felt a wave of anxiety.

And in that brief moment, he regretted not attempting to escape with just the two of them.

Why befriend a kid? What is this, a daycare?

Please, I beg you. I lied, and Im sorry.

Oh, Im not doing this just to receive an apology.


A dagger appeared in Darens hand.

As a level 40 assassin player, he positioned himself to throw the dagger.

Im seeking compensation for your deceit. The kids death will be on you.


Stop, plea!

The dagger was released from its masters hand in a flash, leaving no chance for intervention.

Viktor, despite being a player, had no means to save Riki from 20 meters away.

He thought it was impossible to save him.

Until someone deflected the dagger and appeared.


In the blink of an eye, as Darens face registered shock, someone had materialized in front of Riki.

A person adorned with a white mask, holding a scythe in hand.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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