Published at 28th of June 2024 06:03:26 AM

Chapter 150: This Is My Answer (2)

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Chapter 150: This Is My Answer (2)

All sorts of skills were poured towards one target.

No matter how high his level is, it was thought impossible to dodge this many skills coming from all directions.

That was until they saw it with their own eyes.

Is he still holding on?

Odion checked the time, surprised.

5 minutes had passed.

Normally, one would be dead by now.

But not only was there no corpse, he was still fighting vigorously.

Not the top ranker for nothing, eh?

Odion had brought 800 members, 500 of whom were players.

Players should be dealt with by players.

Even if they died, it was better for the time-limited players to die than ordinary soldiers, he thought.

At that time, he believed it would be enough to kill him.

But now, he thought differently.

Even with all these forces, its not enough?

He knew there was a large level gap, as most were around level 40.

But he hadnt expected that hundreds couldnt even scratch one person.

I intended to kill him if I couldnt have him. But that seems not so easy now.

It was risky to let him live.

He must be torn to pieces here, even if it meant the death of all the other players.

At least it seems hes struggling somewhat.

The opponent was only defending with his scythe, not counterattacking at all.

He seemed to be barely managing to block and dodge.

As time passes, the tide will turn. After all, hes human, hell get tired.

But as the battle dragged on, there seemed to be no sign of improvement.

It was surprising that there were no casualties yet.

Of course, even though it was 500 against 1, the number of people one could fight at a time was limited.

But still, its impressive. To cleanly block and evade attacks from dozens at the same time.

With such skills, he could probably dodge bullets too.

A player who could dodge bullets becoming his subordinate?

It was too tempting.

If he had sworn loyalty to me, I would have immediately offered him Darens position What a pity.

He might have been an asset even for attacking the White House, but now he had no choice but to kill him here.

Now what? Hes really a tough guy.

Watching the Black Scythe still fighting, Odion suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

He had made eye contact with him midway.

He has the leisure to look at me?

In that moment of internal surprise.

Thuk- Thuk-Thuk!

Did someone accidentally use a trace erasure skill?

If someone did, come clean now!

They were all busy looking for the body when it wasnt the time to be doing so, considering they should have been looking for Odions whereabouts instead.

Since everyone was too focused on the Black Scythe, they hadnt seen Odion being whisked away.

Then, Odion reappeared from somewhere.

Whats all this commotion?

Oh, Leader.

As the leader of KF walked towards them, the players lowered their weapons and parted like the Red Sea to make way.

Whats with all this buzzing?

We just killed the Black Scythe, but somehow, the body disappeared.

And what of it?


The disappearance of the body is not whats important. The important thing is that we killed the Black Scythe.

Odion declared victory with a wide smile.

You have eliminated the biggest obstacle to our organization!


Thank you, leader!

Weve taken another step towards our goal, ruling the world!

As if giving them permission to celebrate to their hearts content, Odion smiled benevolently and raised his hand to quiet the crowd.

Now that the Black Scythe is gone, all thats left is to carry out our cause. But first, we need to redistribute the items. So everyone lay down your equipped gear and the items in your inventory on the ground. Everything, without missing a single one!


The command of the KF leader was absolute.

If he ordered death, they would die; if he ordered life, they would live; if he demanded surrender, they would surrender.

Since they were collecting items for redistribution in preparation for an upcoming terror attack, it made sense.

Thus, the players complied.

They laid down not only their equipped gear but also scraped everything from their inventories.

Soon, the scene turned into a sea of items.

With over 500 players laying down their gear, the number easily exceeded 3000 items.

Those who have laid down their items, move to the side!

After becoming empty-handed, Odion directed the members to move to an adjacent clearing to prevent them from retrieving their items again.


Well done. Now you can die.


They had to die by the hands of the Black Scythe.

While Odion was smirking, a sound was heard from somewhere.


It was a clear and piercing sound.

At the same time, a bright light enveloped the players one after another.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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