Published at 28th of June 2024 06:03:24 AM

Chapter 151: Reunion (2)

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Chapter 151: Reunion (2)

Everything went according to plan.

All thats left is to win over the alchemists heart.

Turning his gaze, he saw Victor and Yamti emerging from a building.

Victor, having witnessed the slaughter of hundreds, was initially shocked, but soon regained his composure and asked Ryu Min.

Is it all over?

Ive dealt with the vermin here. Though one remains.

Ryu Mins gaze shifted towards Odion.

Yamtis puppet, stood still as instructed, like a wooden doll.

How did you manage to turn the leader of KF against them?

It was thanks to this player, Yamti. She has the ability to control minds, turning them into puppets.


Realizing such a terrifying woman was by his side, Victor momentarily felt a chill, worried he might be next.

Sensing his thoughts, Ryu Min chuckled behind his mask.

Dont worry. Her ability doesnt work on players. It has many restrictions.

Ah I see.

It was a lie, but Victor believed it wholeheartedly.

At that moment, the only person he could trust was Ryu Min, the Black Scythe, his savior.

Thank you, Black Scythe. When you said youd confront KF, I had my doubts, but seeing you fulfill your promise When I was captured by KF, I had lost all hope. Its all thanks to you, Black Scythe.

Its nothing, really.

Ryu Min had certainly won Victors favor.

Reading his mind, he could see it filled with awe and gratitude.

But Victor no longer wishes to fight.

Reading Victors mind, Ryu Min knew.

Victor wanted to retire, to go back home and spend the rest of his life in peace, having let go of everything.

Victor must accompany me until the 20th round. But with such a weak mind, he wont last.

It was a problem.

However, Ryu Min already knew the solution.

He remained silent for this reason.

What will you do with this leader of KF now? Kill him?

We cant do that. Not while KF hasnt been completely eradicated.


Well use him to the end, then kill him. Well use him to gather the remnants and put a final end to this vermin infestation. Dont worry. KF will vanish into history.

Ah then thats a relief. Youre very thorough in your work Oh!

Victor, who had just shown a relieved smile, suddenly opened his inventory.Updated from n0velbIn.(c)o/m

Take this.

Isnt that the potion you were going to give me earlier?

Yes. These are potions of various types I made. Please accept them as a token of my sincerity.

Unable to refuse twice, Ryu Min accepted the potions.

Thank you. Ill make good use of them.

Inspecting the items, he found healing potions, stat potions, resistance potions, and more.

Is this what a level 40 alchemist can make?

Not legendary, but still quite useful.

Arent you leaving too soon, uncle?

Riki, teary-eyed, seemed sad.

I have to. I came to make sure you were safe, after all.


Dont worry. Marcuss house and ours are close. Ill visit often while youre here. Stay well until then.


Smiling, Victor prepared to leave.

Mr. Marcus, please take care of the children until their parents are found. If you need anything, just let me know. You remember my address, right?

Yes. Dont worry, go quickly. Your family must be worried.

Thank you. Then, Ill be going.

Waving his hand, Victor drove back to his own house.

Has it really been a year since I last was home?

A year ago.

Victor, living with his parents and his sister who was five years younger, was unfortunately kidnapped by KF.

Simply because he was a doctor.

They threatened me, saying if I didnt treat their wounded members, theyd kill my family.

Blackmailed, Victor spent a year as KFs medic, witnessing unspeakable horrors. His family was his only reason to endure.

Dreaming of the moment he would reunite with them, he persevered.

And soon, that moment would become reality.

Phew. Finally here.

Arriving near his house, Victor walked the rest of the way.

The familiar scenery quickened his heartbeat as he approached.

And finally.


Opening the front door, Victor saw them.

His dearly missed family.

Vi, Vi, Victor?


Tears flowed as mother and son embraced without a word.

Victor? Did Victor really come?

Even his stern father joined the tearful reunion, coming out from his room.

Parents and son hugged tightly, affirming each others survival.

You were alive. Thank goodness, truly.

I thought you were dead.

Sob, Im here, alive and well, dad, mom.

Lets not stand here. Come in. Lets talk about what happened.

Yes. But where is Sophia?

Sophia was Victors younger sister.

Her absence naturally led him to ask, but his parents faces suddenly turned awkward.

Ah that is

Upon hearing the situation, Victor was utterly shocked.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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