Published at 28th of June 2024 06:03:20 AM

Chapter 153: Return To Korea (1)

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Chapter 153: Return To Korea (1)

[Our plane will arrive at Incheon Airport in 10 minutes.]

Ryu Min, who had been sleeping with an eye mask on, slightly lifted it off.

Have we arrived?

He glanced at his side to see Yamtis head awkwardly bent like a ghosts.

She was completely knocked out.

No wonder shes exhausted.

During the four days in Nigeria, they had accomplished quite a bit.

They had annihilated dozens of organizations, including a human trafficking ring, and had located and wiped out the main base of KF.

In the process, they received thanks from many who had been kidnapped, and Ryu Min even earned the title of Slayer.

He had collected thousands of items and stowed away hundreds of potions that the KF leader had hoarded in his inventory.

Most importantly, I managed to completely win over the alchemist on my side, without even using Yamtis charm.

After his advice, Victor had completely opened his heart to the Black Scythe.

Reading his true feelings made it all the more certain.

The gains from Nigeria were not just here.

Once its known that the Black Scythe wiped out KF, my reputation will soar incomparably.

He had already set things in motion, now it was just a matter of waiting.

Everything was perfect and satisfying.

Ryu Min smirked and shook Yamti in the seat next to him.

Wake up.

Mmm, just a little longer, dude.

Speaking informally to your master? Are you out of your mind?

Huh? Ah, Ma-, Master?

Yamti was startled upon seeing the stern Ryu Min.

Seems like your training is lacking?

So-, Sorry. I thought I was dreaming.

Ill let it slide this time.Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

Th-, Thank you. As magnanimous as the ocean, Master!

Wipe your drool before you flatter.

It was! I wish something had happened, it was so boring.

Even joking about that is bad. Boring is better than being in danger. Thats what peace is.

If he had been born in crime-ridden Nigeria, such words would never come from his mouth.

Well, hes still in middle school, so I guess its understandable.

Hes still too young to be worldly-wise.

But hyung.


Did you buy anything in Japan? Like souvenirs


Ryu Min sighed secretly.

Surely his brother was still too young.


The players inventory is indeed convenient.

You can infinitely store items without any limit, and find any desired item just by thinking about it.

This is why Ryu Min could immediately pull out any item he needed for crafting.

Ive snatched thousands of items from those KF bastards, including 105 unique materials. With this, I could make dozens of unique equipments and still have leftovers.

It seems that the organization members hadnt sold them on the Player Place Market, and kept them to themselves instead.

Even though he could start crafting right away, Ryu Min didnt need any unique gear.

He had already fully equipped himself with unique and even legendary-grade items.

Hmm, I have so many unique materials, but no use for them.

Strictly speaking, there was a use.

He didnt need them himself, but his friends would go crazy over just one unique item.

I should make a few and hand them out. Ill share the other gears I have too.

It was almost like a charity event, but the survival of his friends was directly linked to Ryu Mins own survival.

Tap tap tap

Ryu Mins fingers busied themselves.

He was setting up an appointment with someone over text.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!