Published at 28th of June 2024 06:03:01 AM

Chapter 165: Jeffrey Bishop (2)

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Chapter 165: Jeffrey Bishop (2)

As Ryu Min turned around at the sound of an English man behind him.


The follower grabbed his throat and slammed him against the wall.

Kuh! Je, Jeffrey?

Recognizing the followers identity, Ryu Min first acted in pain but internally assessed the situation calmly.

So it was him? Why does he bear malice towards me? Maybe I should read his thoughts?

Seeing the killing intent in the eyes of the man choking him, Ryu Min quickly understood.

Hes angry because I didnt provide information to Christine.

It reminded him that the man was raised by Nathan and was practically family.

And hes secretly in love with Christine. Could it be related to her?

Further reading his thoughts revealed that it was an independent action unrelated to Christine.

Shall I play along for now?

Ryu Min acted even more pained than before.

Kugh, Je, Jeffrey! I cant breathe. Let, let go!

His acting was so convincing that Jeffrey unwittingly released his grip.

He doesnt really intend to kill, then.

Having read his intentions, Ryu Min knew what the man was up to.

He just wanted to extract information that he hadnt given to Christine.

Coughing and rubbing his neck, Ryu Min yelled with a victims face.

What is this all about?

Prophet. I dont like you. Ive been suspicious from the start. Claiming to see the future. Sounds like a scam.

A scam? Havent I proven my abilities?

Of course, I believe you now. But that doesnt change my dislike.

Jeffrey glared threateningly.

He was now holding a dagger in his hand.

Ryu Min swallowed nervously as he glanced around.

What exactly do you want?



I want information about the person harming Christine.

Ive heard your conversation. You refused to mention the culprit.

You heard, so you know. It was unavoidable. The future must not be altered

Yes, it would be inconvenient. If the future changes, youll lose trust as a prophet. It would be very awkward for you.

The cold touch of the dagger reached Ryu Mins throat.

No more words. Tell me everything youve seen. Who is harming Christine, and who is saving her?

What if I refuse?

Then this dagger will pierce through your neck.

It was a terrifying threat, but Ryu Min, who could read the inner thoughts, knew.

I thought hed spill everything once I brandished a blade, but it was unexpected.

So, certain future information is not something you can reveal easily, even at the risk of your life?

While Jeffrey could not know the prophets heart, one thing was certain.

At least he wont blab unnecessary information to others.

A person with a tight lip can be trusted.

This incident increased the prophets credibility, but that didnt make him entirely favorable.

He lacks flexibility. A little hint wouldnt hurt, would it?

To put it nicely, hes upright and just, but to put it badly, he lacks flexibility.

No choice. From now on, Ill have to protect Christine with my own hands.

Unaware that there were many others willing to protect her, Jeffrey returned to the temple with Christine.

Of course, he followed her secretly, so he entered a bit later after giving her some time.

Hello, Mr. Jeffrey.

As he entered the office, Christine greeted him while talking with Nathan.

Good Morning. Ms. Christine.

Not so good because of someone.


Confused by her chilly response, Jeffrey glanced at the phone Nathan was holding out.

What is this?

Its a file sent by the prophet to me and Christine. Press play.

As he pressed what seemed to be a recording, a familiar voice flowed out.

Why? What were you going to do with the recording?

Ill submit it to the police as evidence. This is definitely blackmail and attempted murder.

Go ahead and try. Im not sure if a corpse can speak.

You know I said I dont know whos targeting Christine.

You think Im a fool? Its obvious you know but wont tell.

Do you think Ill just talk because you do this? I cant do something that will change the future.

If you dont speak now, you wont have a future. Youre going to die.

Listening to the recording, Jeffrey panicked.

There was no need to listen further, it was clearly his own voice.

How? How did this happen? I made sure to turn off his phone.

A theory suddenly flashed through his mind.

Could it be there were two phones?

His mind went blank as only one thought remained.

Ive been played.

Swallowing hard, he lifted his head.

Nathan and Christine were staring at him with terrifying eyes.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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