Published at 28th of June 2024 06:07:30 AM

Chapter 18: Changing Job (2)

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Chapter 18: Changing Job (2)


Ryu Min dismissed Seo Arins proposal without a second thought and continued his hunt for hobgoblins.

Collaboration? Im already busy enough. Theres no need to consider it.

He could easily catch monsters alone.

There was no reason to join forces.

Still, its not bad that Ma Kyung-roks right-hand man lives on my floor.

Although the future had changed, it was not at a level where he had to worry.

The future connected to branch lines could change at any time.

As long as the main line doesnt change, it was fine.

When I return to reality, I need to confirm if the man who was with Seo Arin is indeed Ma Kyung-roks right-hand man.

The confirmation method was not difficult.

He just needed to find out if the name of the man, who may or may not be Seo Arins bodyguard, is An Sang-cheol.

If he is An Sang-cheol, I can approach Ma Kyung-rok more easily.

However, he would not do anything immediately.

It was not yet time to contact Ma Kyung-rok.

That was why he rejected the proposal.

Whats important now is to level up through hunting.

Ryu Min returned to the forest.



The hobgoblins ran towards him, but they couldnt even touch him.

They were easy to handle due to his agile movements.

Their death was inevitable.

[Current Kill Count: 60/100]

[All stats are increased by 60% due to the Rune of Slaughter effect.]

Since the beginning of the hunt, his stats had increased by 1.6 times.

The Rune of Slaughter is definitely useful if I just stack the stacks.

At that moment, five more monsters appeared.


Ryu Min obtained the job of a hunter in his first regressions. He had obtained it by repeatedly tracking and running away from monsters in the forest.

But I no longer need to be a hunter.

He didnt need to obtain a hunters job-change item either, as he had already obtained another one in the previous round.

Ryu Min took out the Angels Blood from his inventory and recited the activation word.


Light burst forth from the Angels Blood, and a message appeared before his eyes.

[You have used a job-change item. Please choose carefully as you cannot change your job.]

[Do you want to change your class to Grim Reaper? Y/N]

Ryu Min didnt hesitate to answer the question that required no consideration.


At that moment, Ryu Mins body shone in a golden light. The intense light was enough to blind him, but it lasted only for a moment.

The message appeared in his mind as if nothing had happened.

[Congratulations! You have changed your class to Grim Reaper.]

[As a job-change reward, you have obtained the Scythe of the Grim Reaper and the Rune of the Grim Reaper.]

[The obtained rune is automatically inscribed into the players body!]

[You have learned the Grim Reaper-exclusive skill, Seal of Death!]

[The next skill can be learned automatically when you reach level 20.]

He received a weapon, a rune, and a skill as job-change rewards.

However, that wasnt the only good news.

[Your rank has increased from Beginner to Trainee.]

[You have completed a sub-quest!]

[You have received a 50% discount coupon for todays item!]

There are several ranks in the game: Beginner (Lv1), Trainee (Lv10), Regular (Lv20), Expert (Lv40), Master (Lv60), and Grand Master (Lv99).

Ryu Mins rank increased from Beginner to Trainee as a result of his job change.

Ranking up had various benefits. New job skills were acquired and existing skills were strengthened. Lock features could be released, and players could wear better items than they could before.

However, if you dont change your job, youll be stuck at the Beginner level forever.

Thats why changing jobs was an essential element for growth.

Many rewards were received, but the message was not yet over.

The first job-changer reward was yet to be obtained.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!