Published at 28th of June 2024 06:07:17 AM

Chapter 25: The Pursuit (2)

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Chapter 25: The Pursuit (2)

Ma Kyung-rok ventured into the forest, driven by curiosity.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

He wondered if there was something new to discover.

Perhaps theres a hidden sub-quest.

However, he couldnt find anything, so he tried to kill a few monsters here and there, and before he noticed he reached LV10.

To his surprise, a quest emerged once he reached level 10.

He discovered this fact unintentionally, engrossed in his hunting.

Congratulations on obtaining a class, Representative.

Oh, no. It was just luck.

It wasnt an empty statement.

While luck played a part, An Sang-cheol perceived it differently.

Ive always felt that the Representative is truly humble.

Humble? I was merely stating a fact.

Dont you believe that luck is also a form of skill? Besides, is it easy to secure the second and third ranks across all zones? Having someone like the Representative as our leader is an extraordinary honor to me.

Hahaha. Director An, your praise makes me wonder if theres something you want.

An Sang-cheol appeared slightly embarrassed, but he didnt show it.

The Representative truly knew him well.

Tell me. Is there something you want to ask?

Um In that case, may I ask one thing?

Yes, go ahead.

You recently advanced to the Dark Knight job, right? If its not too intrusive, could you tell me where to obtain the class-specific items for the advancement?

While cautiously gauging Ma Kyung-roks reaction, An Sang-cheol inquired, and Ma Kyung-rok readily answered.

Its nothing special. I just happened to come across the advancement items while hunting monsters.

Half of it was true, while the other half was a lie.

Indeed, advancement items dropped when hunting monsters, but they werent specifically for the Dark Knight advancement.

The Dark Knight was an exclusive job attainable only by those who possessed the Rune of the Dark Knight.

The Rune of the Dark Knight.

A deceptive rune that enhanced overall stats and bestowed the ability to imbue weapons with Dark Auraan enchantment of sinister power.

Upon reaching level 10, one automatically transitioned into the unique Dark Knight job.

I was fortunate. To think such a remarkable rune emerged from a random rune fragment.

Ma Kyung-roks lie stemmed from his desire to keep the rune, a significant piece of information, to himself.

After all, even if An Sang-cheol was like family, he couldnt reveal everything to him.

Even real family members might choose to remain silent.

Human nature was capable of such sudden shifts.

Especially in relationships founded on business.

However, it doesnt mean I dont value Director An.

An Sang-cheol was an exceptional talent and his indispensable right hand.

If anyone dared to harm his subordinate, Ma Kyung-rok would ruthlessly tear them apart without hesitation.

Director An, lets get down to business. Who is responsible for injuring you?

Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask something important.

Ma Kyung-roks gaze flickered with renewed vigor.

What are the nicknames of those thugs?


Ryu Min nodded, utilizing his tracking skill to pursue An Sang-cheol.

As expected, hes Ma Kyung-roks right-hand man.

An Sang-cheol was currently in a hotel room registered under Ma Kyung-roks name.

Could his entrance into Ma Kyung-roks building be dismissed as a mere coincidence?

That guy is surely the An Sang-cheol I know.

Though he raised suspicions before, it was now confirmed.

He turned away, knowing there was nothing left to investigate.

Lingering nearby would only raise suspicions without any actual gains.

Who would have thought that a celebrity sponsored by Ma Kyung-rok lives next to us? I should be grateful to my brother for this unexpected gift.

If his brother hadnt come up with this idea, Seo Arin would have never crossed paths with him.

He never had a chance to uncover An Sang-cheols true identity before either.

The future has changed, but it seems to have changed in my favor.

Taking advantage of their neighborly connection might help earn Ma Kyung-roks trust to some extent.

Ill proceed step by step. Whether Ill bring Ma Kyung-rok to the 20th round remains to be seen.

Ma Kyung-rok possesses the Dark Knights Rune.

Considering his previous transformation into a Dark Knight, it appears that hasnt changed in this regression either.

Its a powerful rune. However, the drawback is the absence of a rune reward for the transformation.

While most transformations offer rune rewards, the Dark Knights Rune lacks such benefits.

Upon reaching level 10, one only receives a single weapon and skill.

Forcing the transformation into a Dark Knight is inevitable.

Above all, the Dark Knight has a significant flaw.

That flaw is the requirement to charge a specialized mana known as Dark Mana in order to use Dark Aura.

And Dark Mana cannot be gathered through conventional means.

In a way, it aligns well with Ma Kyung-roks psychopathic hobby, but it can be considered a drawback, right?

Setting that aside, the Dark Knights Rune is undeniably powerful.

The fact that Ma Kyung-rok hasnt fallen behind in the rankings is proof of its effectiveness.

However, including a psychopath like Ma Kyung-rok as a comrade would be risky.

Although there will be a way to control him once they reach the maximum level, its still a concern.

Besides, there are plenty of other talented individuals apart from Ma Kyung-rok.

As long as there are alternatives, theres no need to rely on him.

For now, Ill keep him as a candidate and exploit his potential. I need other talents at the moment.

Especially for the 20th round, having a Supporter is crucial.

As soon as the day breaks, Ill get to work.

This is the perfect opportunity to nurture and prepare a supporter.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!