Published at 28th of June 2024 06:07:05 AM

Chapter 32: First Wave (2)

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Chapter 32: First Wave (2)

The sight before him was unexpected, but Jo Joong-sik remained unfazed in his thoughts.

Hes going wild for now, but eventually, hell exhaust himself and collapse.

However, there was no sign of weariness in Black Scythes relentless onslaught.

On the contrary, his speed increased with each passing moment, tearing the goblins apart with ease.

Startled by this sight, Jo Joong-siks eyes widened.

Its not just going hard mode. Hes growing stronger as time goes by.

In a matter of minutes, the area around Black Scythe was already littered with goblin corpses.

In stark contrast, goblins surged into the other entrance like a bursting dam.

With numerous entrances, there was no choice but to let some of them through.

Jo Joong-sik made his way to the window on the opposite side to assess the situation within the village.

Thousands of goblins clashed with an equal number of players, creating a chaotic scene of entangled combat.

This is pure chaos.

The number of goblins exceeded expectations, prompting the players to fight desperately for their lives.

Having gained some experience, they skillfully wielded their weapons, slaying goblins with ease.

Amidst the bluster of screams and the stench of blood, Jo Joong-sik tightened his grip on his dagger.

Theres no time to waste. I need to get out there quickly and make numbers.

Survival hinged on the number of monsters killed, making it advantageous to eliminate as many as possible.

After choosing the right moment, Jo Joong-sik ventured outside, swiftly dispatching a passing goblin with a precise stab.

Keek! Keiik!

Several goblins witnessed the scene and charged at Jo Joong-sik.

Come on, you experience-granting fuckers.

For Jo Joong-sik, dealing with a few goblins posed no difficulty.

Thanks to the Insight Rune, he could predict their movements and dispatch them skillfully.

Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!

With each goblin slain, a peculiar sense of exhilaration coursed through him, knowing that he was robbing them of their lives.

Goblins are nothing more than cannon fodder.

Smirking, Jo Joong-sik suddenly glanced towards Black Scythes location.

Swoosh! Swish!

In a single swing, the scythe cleaved through the goblins bodies.

Jo Joong-sik couldnt help but be surprised by the scene.

Can anyone become that powerful at just level 16?

Witnessing Black Scythes battle, a subtle desire for combat stirred within him.

He also felt a competitive spirit, aspiring to surpass Black Scythe.

Perhaps it was the notion that he needed to slay more monsters.

Fearlessly, Jo Joong-sik shifted to a safer spot within the village, where the goblins were preoccupied with other players.

Now, while the goblins are focused on others

This was an opportunity to kill more without taking unnecessary risks.


A spear passed right beside him, narrowly missing him.

Jo Joong-sik looked in the direction where the spear came from and rushed toward it, just before he could reach him the player hit him with an arrow.


Fortunately, this time he could predict the path of the arrow and dodged to the side.

That bastard!

Ignoring the pain in his side, Jo Joong-sik charged again.


Jo Joong-siks thrown dagger hit the player square in the forehead.

You damn bastard! How dare you aim at me?

After retrieving his dagger, Jo Joong-sik took a deep breath, blood trickling from his side and covering his body in wounds.

Vigilantly, Jo Joong-sik scanned his surroundings.

Damn it, I have to be more cautious of players than monsters.

Clearly, players were more troublesome than the goblins.

Who knows where the next surprise attack will come from.

Jo Joong-sik regretted his position as the zone representative.

This damn zone representative title I wish I could pass it on to someone else!

But the only way to do so was through death, leaving him with no other choice but to remain on high alert.


Jo Joong-sik resumed his hunting, but he had to be cautious of his surroundings.

Naturally, his hunting speed slowed down.

The pain in his thigh grew more intense with each passing moment.

Should I have just accepted Black Scythes offer?

The thought crossed his mind, but Jo Joong-sik shook his head.

A man has his pride. I wont bow down to him.

He needed an alternative.

A way to hunt safely without worrying about player threats.

Hmm? What about him?

At that moment, Jo Joong-sik noticed the name [Black Flame Dragon].

He was ranked third in the area.

A brilliant idea sparked in Jo Joong-siks mind as he approached Black Flame Dragon.



Black Flame Dragon, who was fully engaged in hunting, turned his head.

In an instant, Jo Joong-siks eyes glowed with purple light.

It was the transformation that occurred when he used the Command Authority.

From now on, protect me. Black Flame Dragon.

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