Published at 28th of June 2024 06:07:03 AM

Chapter 33: Rank Up (2)

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Chapter 33: Rank Up (2)

Upon becoming a Regular, his existing skills were enhanced.

Now I can deal an additional 120% damage with the Seal of Death.

Not only that, but he also learned a new skill.

[Exclusive Skill Night of Death]

Effect: Disperses an aura of darkness within a 500m radius, creating an artificial night.

The caster can deactivate it at will.

The explanation was brief, but the effect couldnt be ignored.

Its a skill that complements the Rune of the Night, which grows stronger during nighttime.

Due to the runes characteristics, attack speed increased by 50% during the night, and perception probability drastically decreased.

Truly a skill tailored for a Reaper.

Now, even during the day, Ill receive an attack speed buff without any issues. Thanks to the Night of Death.

Above all, to obtain another important rune called the Rune of Hidden Desires, the Night of Death skill was absolutely necessary.

And of course, I need the common skills I plan to purchase as well.

Ryu Min allocated his stat points to luck as he leveled up.

The attributes of Agility and Luck have now reached the standards.

Improving luck ends here. Until level 30, Ill focus on strength.

Since his strength stat was the lowest, it was necessary to balance it out.


As he closed his status window, the goblins rushed towards him.

Ryu Min greeted them with a smile.

I learned a new skill just in time.

He immediately cast the Night of Death.


The space within a 500m radius was engulfed in darkness.

Whats happening all of a sudden?

Why did it turn dark?

We cant see anything!Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

The surrounding players were taken aback, but Ryu Min paid no attention.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

With a 50% increased attack speed, he busily slaughtered the goblins.


[Successfully defended the second wave!]

[Surviving players: 3,343]

[Deceased players: 590]

[Each surviving player will be rewarded with 500 gold.]

Upon reaching level 21, the second wave came to an end.

Fortunately, Ryu Min was able to reach his target of accumulating 20,000 gold.

Now I can buy the common skill.

Without delay, Ryu Min opened the shop window and searched for the desired skill.

[Common Skill Sensory Detection]

Effect: Able to detect the presence of enemies within a 30m radius.

Sensory Detection was a useful skill that allowed the detection of all targets within a 30m radius.

Its an essential skill in such chaotic situations since it enables detecting enemies even from behind.

Ryu Min purchased the skill without hesitation and since it was a passive skill, he immediately gained awareness of the surrounding targets.

There are only goblin corpses within 30m.

If there happened to be any players lurking, caution was necessary.

As their intentions couldnt be considered good.

Now I just need to gather 20,000 gold to buy another shared skill.

2,700 players clashed with the trolls.


Die, you bastards!

The players fought frantically.

The Black Scythe continued to mark the entrance, standing alone.

Inspired by the sight, Joong-siks fighting spirit flared up.

Ill become stronger. Ill survive!

With the guards he commanded and his sincere hunting, he launched into the real battle.

There was no need to be wary of friendly fire, allowing him to fully immerse himself in combat.

Thats what he thought, but all of that changed in a moment.


Uaaah! Aaah!

Whats happening?

Two guards, who served as meat shields, were struck down by sword blows.

A group that had conspired to target Joong-sik managed to penetrate through the guards.

I got him! You gangster!

The power of the authority belongs to me!

Was it because they thought this was their last chance?

They were resolute, and the number of conspiring players exceeded thirty.

Stop them! Guard bastards, stop them!

The guards, even without words, were already holding off the attackers.

An order to protect Joong-sik had already been imprinted in their minds.

However, handling over thirty players was no easy task.

Thud! Thud!


Kuk! Aaah!

The players aiming for the Joong-sik and those under authority engaged in a fierce battle.

If I mess up, Ill be in trouble.

Joong-sik, who observed the guards fighting, quickly left the scene.

Now wasnt the time to hunt.

Since he appeared as an easy target for players to kill.

Hes going that way!

Chase him!

The players who witnessed Joong-siks escape chased after him with fierce determination.

Damn it! Just need to hold out for this wave, just this wave!

Joong-siks eyes widened as he muttered curses under his breath.

In an instant, one person caught his eye.

Nickname: [Black Scythe]

He was the only savior who could turn the tide in the current situation.

Hey, Black Scythe! I accept your offer! Ill do whatever you say, just protect me!

Joong-sik stuck close to Black Scythe, causing the pursuing players to hesitate.

Even for them, the number one player in the entire area was a formidable opponent.

Huh? Black Scythe! Youre going to accept the offer, right? Come on, Protect me

I refuse.

Joong-siks face froze at Black Scythes cold response.

I told you before, I wont pay attention to you.

Black Scythe, Ryu Min, looked at Joong-sik with cold eyes.

Whether you die or not is up to you now.

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