Published at 28th of June 2024 06:07:02 AM

Chapter 34: The New Zone Representative (2)

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Chapter 34: The New Zone Representative (2)

Ryu Min, who sensed something was amiss, turned his head with a puzzled expression.

Whats going on?

Did you see the message? Im the zone representative now. I have the power of the Authority.

So what?

Hwang Yongmin thumped his chest.

I accept the offer you made to Life is a Documentary. Ill do whatever you ask. Just protect me!

Hwang Yongmin believed Black Scythe would agree to his offer.

He had overheard the conversation with Jo Joong-sik, after all.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Jo Joong-sik was rejected because he lacked the power of the Authority. So hell accept my proposal.

Although he didnt want to get involved with the Black Scythe after that incident, he had no choice.

In a life-threatening situation, there was no room for such considerations.

But to his surprise, the Black Scythes response was cold.

I dont like your attitude.


If you want me to consider it, why dont you try begging on your knees?


Hwang Yongmin snapped out of his daze.

Wait, didnt you hear me correctly? I have the power of the Authority!

So what?

Ryu Mins cold reaction startled Hwang Yongmin.

Seems like youre delusional. Youre the one in need of help, not me.


Do you want my protection? Then get on your knees and beg.


Hwang Yongmin looked around, feeling the intense gazes of the players.

It was a humiliating situation, but Hwang Yongmin didnt let his pride get in the way.


He immediately set aside his pride and knelt down.

Black Scythe! Ill do anything you ask. Please, make me your subordinate. I beg you!

He shouted, bowing his head until his forehead touched the ground.

They debated whether to retreat or persist in the attack, despite the risks.

Feeling frustrated by their indecision, Ryu Min presented them with options.

Ill help you make a decision. You have two choices. Give up on becoming a zone representative, go back and kill monsters to set records, or die by my hand.


I recommend the former, but the latter is also acceptable. Once you challenge me, I wont see you as human anymore.

Ryu Mins words were the final blow.

I-Im out.

Me too.

The players began to turn away one by one.

Hwang Yongmin grinned, suppressing his laughter.

Isnt this amazing? Everyone is retreating at the word of Black Scythe!

Hwang Yongmin once again felt the majesty of Black Scythe.

When he was his enemy, he was scared, but as an ally, he felt secure.

It was a kind of vicarious satisfaction.

Hwang Yongmin straightened his shoulders and reveled in his victory.

However, Ryu Min observed the situation and counted the remaining monsters.

Its almost over.

The Gnolls were being pushed back and killed.

At this rate, they would clear the 5th wave unscathed.

And then players will receive rewards, and the round will end.

But that wasnt Ryu Mins desired outcome.

Ending it like this would be disappointing.

He was waiting for the right time.

The right timing for the sub-quest to be revealed.

That was why he had accepted Hwang Yongmin as his subordinate.

Hwang Yong-min.

Yes, Black Scythe!

Carry out the tasks I assign to you, as promised.

What tasks are they? Just give me the orders!

Hwang Yongmin energetically responded, but moments later, his face turned pale as he heard the command.

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