Published at 28th of June 2024 06:07:52 AM

Chapter 4: Start Of Round One (2)

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Chapter 4: Start Of Round One (2)

Your expressions are quite mixed. Whether you got a good or terrible rune, accept the outcome. Its all up to your luck. Hahaha.

The sound of laughter echoed, but no one voiced his complaints to the angel.

Now that the rune engraving is complete, shall we start playing in earnest?

As the angel spread her wings, messages appeared in front of everyones eyes.


Defeat 100 Goblins per person

[Entire Area]

Participants: 1,801,029,290

Achievers: 0/900,514,645

[Designated Area ESKS45-5]

Participants: 10,286

Achievers: 0/5,143

Defeat 100 goblins?

The ones that appear in the game?

What is the designated area, is it where we are?

The onlookers examined the quest and nodded in agreement as the angel spoke up.

Thats right, its the goblin you all know. And the area ESKS45-5 refers to the group you belong to.

The angel grinned, mysteriously.

We made it easy for the first round. You only have to defeat 100 goblins to return to Earth. Pretty simple, right?

Its not hard or easy until you try it yourself. Ryu Min thought.

But the others had different ideas.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Arent goblins supposed to be weak monsters?

Yeah, theyre just common mobs in the game.

Not as tough as we thought, huh?

Here I was, thinking it was a really difficult quest.

To the surprise of the worried, the challenge did not seem as difficult as expected, and they began to relax.

But if we take it too lightly, we might be in for a big surprise

As someone who knew the strength of goblins, Ryu Min couldnt help but be tongue-tied.

Are you all overconfident? Well then, shall we skip any further explanation and go straight into battle? Kyohohoho!

The angel fluttered its wings in excitement.



Ryu Min stepped forward, sensing the peoples fear. His sudden move drew everyones attention.

Look at that guy.

Whats he doing all by himself?

Ryu Min ignored the whispers behind him and waited for the goblins to get closer.

He didnt do this for attention. He wanted to show his presence to the people.

First impressions are important.

If he wanted to avoid being bothered by annoying gnats, he needed to show his strength here.

Especially since I need to catch the angels attention.

For that, he needed a little performance.

Hey, over here!

Hey, if you go closer, its dangerou

Suddenly, the people fell silent.


With a clean kick, Ryu Min landed a direct hit on the goblin charging toward him.


The hawk-nosed goblin next to him couldnt help but pause for a moment as he watched his comrades broken neck.


That one moment of hesitation was more than enough for Ryu Min to get a hold of the goblins head with both hands, then turned around abruptly.


Ryu Min left him dying with his tongue hanging out, making a chilling sound; but the first never seemed to be bothered by it, and quickly stood up with the goblins dagger in his hand.

The dagger quickly joined the play and was lodged and pulled out of the nearby goblins neck and back.

And before the fallen goblin hit the ground, Ryu Min had already targeted the next one like a lightning bolt.

Thunk! Whoooosh!

The sound of the wind leaving the chests of two goblins rang out.

In a split second, four goblins had already been killed.

The smooth, seamless movements were reminiscent of a true killer.


As their fellow goblin yelled and charged, Ryu Mins dagger was faster.

Thunk-Thunk! Thunk-Thunk!

Green blood spurted everywhere, but Ryu Min swung his dagger without hesitation.

It was truly a scene of slaughter.

The overwhelming power left those around him stunned and speechless.

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