Published at 28th of June 2024 06:06:52 AM

Chapter 40: Jang Seok Hyun (2)

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Chapter 40: Jang Seok Hyun (2)

Three days had passed, and the day of execution had arrived.

Jang Seok-hyuns plan had fallen into place.

Thump, thump, thump, thump

The cafe owner, trapped in the trunk, was pounding on the door.

Hehe, it was a good idea to bring a car. Its a rental, so there shouldnt be any issues.

Indeed, when it came to kidnapping, a car was all you needed.

It was easy to transport, and there was no need to worry about attracting attention.

It was too easy. I didnt even need to use my abilities.

Jang Seok-hyun had hidden in an alley near the street where the cafe owner would appear and knocked her unconscious as she passed by.

He then simply pushed her into the trunk of the car he had prepared in advance.

He had done well to observe her daily route while stalking her.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Thump, thump, thump, thump

Hey, stop banging. Were almost there.

Jang Seok-hyun, driving the car, arrived at an abandoned factory with no signs of human presence.

This place is perfect for what I have in mind.

At night, nobody would come near, and there were no CCTV cameras in the vicinity.

Where should I do it? Ah! That spot looks good.

After parking in a suitable location, Jang Seok-hyun opened the trunk.


Ugh, ugh!

The cafe owner was bound with duct tape and writhing like a fish, her makeup smudged from crying in the darkness.


Jang Seok-hyun easily carried the cafe owner on his shoulder.

With his new stats, exerting force became effortless.

Clank! Squeak

He opened the door of the dimly lit abandoned factory and stepped inside.

Thud, thud

There was a switch nearby, but it didnt work.

Well, thats fine. Darkness isnt necessarily a bad thing.

Although he could have made himself glow, doing so could blind the cafe owner.

There was no fun in engaging with a blind opponent.

Ill untie you, so dont make any noise. Got it?

The cafe owner nodded, and Jang Seok-hyun removed the duct tape that bound her.


Huff, huff P-please please spare me spare

Damn it, is that all you can say as soon as your mouth is free?

Jang Seok-hyuns excitement waned at the predictable repertoire.

Say something different for once. Something other than begging for mercy, mentioning your children, or offering money. Its all so boring.

I-Im sorry

Who the hell was that?

Dont use profanity in front of a lady.

Jang Seok-hyun turned his head toward the source of the voice.

In any case, youll have plenty of time to curse later.

Ryu Min walked out of the darkness, capturing Jang Seok-hyuns attention with his large scythe.

What Whats with that ridiculously huge scythe?

Next, Jang Seok-hyun noticed the white mask worn by Ryu Min.

His attire seemed like some kind of character cosplay.

Jang Seok-hyun couldnt help but chuckle.

Are you crazy? Do you think this is Itaewon? Halloween is still far away.

I havent quite grasped the atmosphere yet. Does this look like a toy to you?

Ryu Min swung his scythe in a half-moon shape.

Swoosh! The sound was quite threatening.

Hold on, wait a minute. Its not a toy?

Only then did Jang Seok-hyuns wariness kick in.

Are you a player?

Are you stupid? Why did it take you so long to figure it out?

Ryu Min, outside his mask, let out a sigh.

You should leave. Miss, this is your only chance.

What? Who do you think you are to decide?

Did he feel safe because the distance seemed greater?

Jang Seok-hyun turned his gaze toward the woman.

Just then


Ryu Min closed the distance.

He held the scythe in reverse and struck Jang Seok-hyuns vulnerable area.



It happened in the blink of an eye.

Jang Seok-hyun, struck in a most unpleasant place, doubled over in pain.

A wave of indescribable agony washed over him.

You fcker! You fcking bastard!

I told you, youll have plenty of opportunities to curse later.

Ryu Min kicked Jang Seok-hyuns rear end, causing him to tumble away from the woman.

Leave now. Leave the rest to me.

Wh-What? Th-Thank you.

As the cafe owner ran away, only the two of them remained in the abandoned factory.

Ryu Min laughed inside his mask.

Well, shall we start the main event?

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