Published at 28th of June 2024 06:06:29 AM

Chapter 49: Round 4 Rankings Revealed (2)

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Chapter 49: Round 4 Rankings Revealed (2)

The reason for accepting murder was beyond the fact of the resurrection.


People fought to survive.

It was a common event for modern individuals humans living in a competitive society.

After this round, players wont feel repulsed by murder anymore.

Even though it was a virtual world, these players had already experienced killing people countless times during this round.

Would they feel repulsion if they had to commit real murder in the physical world?

In the future, theyll act without hesitation. The lawless zone will only intensify.

They would aim their weapons at each other, killing innocent bystanders to prove their superiority.

That was the future that awaited the players.

Of course, not everyone will cave to this.

Players who hadnt lost their humanity would still feel guilt and remorse for taking lives.

Ryu Min himself experienced those emotions to some extent.

Thats why I try to end their lives as swiftly as possible, sparing them unnecessary suffering.

But when faced with the first player who lunged at him, he showed no mercy.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

No mercy for those who strike first.

And once he had killed a player, he never killed them again.

There was no point in targeting the same person multiple times since it wouldnt count toward his record.

In other words, it means I meticulously remember the nicknames of the players Ive slain.

Remembering the nicknames of hundreds of players?

It was a difficult task, but not an impossible one.

As long as I recall the essential keywords of their nicknames, I can easily remember them when I see them again.

His high intelligence stat made it all the more achievable.

Ive taken care of him, and him too.

As he passed by other players, he scanned them attentively.

Ryu Mins focus was on players he had never killed before.

However, the majority of those who fell by his hand were familiar faces.

I dont remember that one. Theyre new.

As soon as he spotted a player he hadnt slain, he swiftly swung his scythe.

Without a second glance at the fallen, he moved on, searching for his next target.

Time is running out. I need to get more kills.

In his pursuit of claiming the top rank for the entire zone, his eyes burned with determination as he hunted down his prey.

Suddenly, pillars of light descended from the sky, obstructing his movement.

Time had expired.

[Hehehe! Did you all enjoy the killings?]

Trapped within their respective pillars, the players directed chilly gazes towards the angel.

Could killing the same person bring any enjoyment?

At times, they even glared at the angel who assigned them this nauseating quest, filled with resentment.

Did the Zone Representative authority really transfer to Black Scythe? From me?

Was it an indication that they would assist him so he wouldnt become a target?

Is this why he took the title of Zone Representative from him?

Perplexed, Hwang Yongmin gazed at Ryu Min, who appeared indifferent and didnt spare him a single glance.

[Now, lets take a look at the results, shall we? But before that, Im sure youre curious about how the rankings were determined.]

The angel finally revealed the hidden rules.

[The rankings are based on the order of each players unique kills. Which means, even if the same human was killed multiple times, it only counts as 1 kill.]

Unique kills?

So, its not just about killing as many as possible?

[Do you really think it was that straightforward? Kehehehe, lets see the results.]

With a graceful movement of its wings, the angel unveiled the results window.

Round 4 Results

[Overall Zone]

1st Place: Black Scythe (Level 30 Reaper) 722 kills

2nd Place: The Stupid Fools (Level 13 Shaman) 521 kills

3rd Place: Heavenly Demon (Level 13 Dark Knight) 433 kills

[Zone ESKS45-5]

1st Place: Black Scythe (Level 30 Reaper) 722 kills

2nd Place: Adorable Baby Bird (Level 11 Warrior) 211 kills

3rd Place: An Sang-cheol (Level 11 Knight) 209 kills

[Once again, Black Scythe claims 1st place.]

Thats a relief.

As Ryu Min let out a sigh of relief, feeling relatively secure in his 1st place position, the other players cast him envious glances, mixed with a hint of resentment.

To kill over 700 people

How is that even possible?

Werent we barely a thousand in number?

So, he single-handedly killed 70% of us?

This is absolutely insane.

Just like the onlookers shaking their heads in disbelief, even the angel couldnt help but be astonished.

[Wow! You managed to eliminate 722 people all by yourself? Thats truly impressive!]

[For reference, the lowest record for our zone this time was 30 kills, achieved by the player ranked 521st. Anyone below that is considered eliminated.]



Sighs escaped the lips of almost half of the players.

They were among those who couldnt even reach the 30 kills mark.

Oh no, this cant be happening. I dont want to be eliminated!

Does this mean were really going to die this time?

Sigh I should have put more effort into eliminating others.

While half of the players sighed with regret, Ryu Min focused his attention on the reward message.

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