Published at 28th of June 2024 06:07:50 AM

Chapter 5: Getting Her Attention (2)

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Chapter 5: Getting Her Attention (2)



The goblin, who had lost both eyes, fell to the ground writhing in pain.

Ryu Min immediately flew through the air and plunged his dagger into the goblins neck.


[You have defeated a goblin!]

[Experience points +4%]

[Gold +10]

[Level up!]

[Quest progress: Goblin 75/100]This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

[Remaining goblins until quest completion: 25]

Ignoring the level-up message, Ryu Min immediately rolled his body to the side.


The dagger plunged into the ground where he had just been.

He quickly jumped up.


He pierced the chest of that goblin and turned to find his next target.

A constant stream of unrelenting movement.

There was no room for a moment of carelessness.

Ryu Mins eyes rapidly scanned the situation.


The goblins backed away with fearful expressions.

All the goblins nearby had been killed.

So he could finally let his guard down for a bit.

I can take a breather for a moment.

Ryu Min, who had regained his composure, opened her status window.

He had already leveled up to 4.

Ryu Mins fingers moved quickly as he allocated his stat points.

For now, Ill go all-in on Agility.

With each level up, 2 stat points were granted.

After reaching level 4, Ryu Min decided to invest all of his points into agility. As a result, his agility, which was previously at 3, had now skyrocketed to 9.

Agility is the most important stat right now.

Out of strength, intelligence, agility, and luck, agility was the most necessary for the moment. Allocating points to agility not only increased evasion rate but also attack speed and movement speed.

Ryu Min turned his head towards his allies, who were about 30 meters away from him. And watched as the Goblins and humans were entangled in a chaotic battle.

In other words, it meant that other people could move like Ryu Min, but

It wont be easy. It takes a lot of experience to become this proficient.

Unless you are an assassin from a movie, its hard to move like Ryu Min.

Moreover, now he is even more agile than before because of the agility boost.

Well, now that weve caught the attention of the angel, shall we finish it up?

As Ryu Min moved up the field and the nearby goblins start to back away.

He couldnt help but grin, and then immediately picked up one of the daggers on the ground, and shot it without aiming.


It hit one of the goblins chest, while the others got startled by the sight of their fallen comrade writhing in pain.

Arent you coming to me?

The goblins kept backing away.

Ryu Min picked up another dagger and threw it, and another goblin fell.

However, the Goblins kept backing away shivering, Ryu Min watched them for a bit and then sighed.

If youre not coming, then Im coming to you.

Instantly, he closed the distance and unleashed a flurry of sword moves.

The green blood splattered in all directions

As soon as he defeated the last goblin before him, Ryu Min was met with a flood of notifications.

[You have defeated a goblin!]

[Experience points +4%]

[Gold +10]

[Level up!]

[Quest progress: Goblin 100/100]

[You have completed the first round of the quest!]

With a hundred goblins defeated, Ryu Min was enveloped in a translucent column of light, a protective barrier that isolated him from the remaining monsters. The first round was easy, he thought, relieved that he had made it through.

The barriers appearance meant he had cleared half of the quest, as failure to complete each round within a certain time frame meant immediate disintegration.

It shouldnt take longer. Everything is going according to plan. I did go a little crazy with the goblin slaying, not only to gain the attention of the angels but to claim that top spot, Ryu Min admitted to himself.

And it seemed that his efforts had paid off, as a congratulatory message popped up on his screen.

[Congratulations! You have completed the quest in first place for this zone!]

[Congratulations! You have completed the quest in first place for the entire world!]

[Your nickname will be included in the rankings.]

Being the first to defeat them definitely helps, he thought, knowing that the faster one completed each round, the greater his ranking will be.

Plus, rewards were distributed according to ranking, with the top three players in each category receiving the most coveted prizes.

Rewards are given according to your ranking for both the zone and the entire game, with claiming the top spot in the latter normally grants the highest rewards, he mused. And I, out of 1.8 billion players, am the first to complete this quest.

A moment later, another message appeared before Ryu Min, detailing his rewards.

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