Published at 28th of June 2024 06:06:27 AM

Chapter 50: Ask For His Help (2)

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Chapter 50: Ask For His Help (2)

The man and woman in the Lamborghini zoomed through the city.

During the ride, Min Juri and Ryu Min engaged in a natural and easy conversation.

Was it because they had shared their runes?

Unlike last time, the atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable.

Thank you, Prophet-nim. I was able to prepare for Round 4 because of your guidance. If you hadnt given me any hints, I would have been truly taken aback.

Have you ever doubted the truth of my words?

No way! Why would you lie to me about something so trivial?

I appreciate your trust.

On one hand, Ryu Min couldnt help but feel a pang of guilt in his conscience.

After all, even though his lies were well-intentioned, they were still lies.

He also felt a twinge of remorse for inadvertently reading Min Juris unspoken thoughts.

Unaware of his internal conflicts, Min Juri smiled and spoke with gratitude.

Im really thankful. Do you know how nerve-wracking it was for me to take someones life? Did you feel the same way?

Huh? Well I mean

He didnt.

He felt no hesitation or doubt when it came to killing.

In fact, he wished he had felt something, some sort of moral struggle.

Regardless, if you hadnt told me that I had to kill at least 30 people to pass, I would have been eliminated a long time ago. So, thank you.

As he sensed her genuine gratitude, Ryu Min couldnt help but smile.

I dont really have anything to be thankful for.

Besides, even without his guidance, Min Juri would have survived.

The protective rune that grew stronger with the presence of more people would have saved her multiple times.

Plus, shes more resilient than I expected.

She was like a wild weed thriving outside the greenhouse, rather than a delicate flower inside.

Were here. This is the place.

The two of them entered a high-end traditional Korean restaurant.

He chose this place to avoid the formal atmosphere that might make Min Juri uncomfortable.

Welcome, do you have a reservation?

Yes, for two.

Once they entered the private room, the meticulously prepared 200,000 won course meal was served.

As the staff left, they were left alone in the cozy space.

It was the perfect setting for a heartfelt conversation.

Please enjoy your meal.

Thank you, I will.

How many times has she thanked me?

Ryu Min chuckled and picked up his chopsticks.

The food tasted exquisite, and he savored each bite.

Of course.

Observing Min Juris eyes gleaming with anticipation, Ryu Min almost let out a chuckle.

She resembled a puppy waiting for a treat from its owner.

When the dessert arrivedJujube Tea and ice creamMin Juris eyes sparkled.

Ill savor every bite!

Was her heightened enthusiasm due to her improved mood?

Well, I knew Min Juri enjoys eating, especially ice cream.

Thats why he chose a traditional Korean restaurant that served ice cream as dessert.

He wanted to lift her spirits.

With all the dishes served and no one to interrupt, Ryu Min felt it was time to address the main issue.

To tell you the truth I havent invited you here today just to celebrate.


I want to share information about the 5th round.

The 5th round?

Surprised, Min Juri lowered her voice and glanced around cautiously.

Did you see the future?

Yes. The 5th round will be much more challenging than any previous round. Moreover, there will be a zone integration.

Zone integration?

It means the separate zones will merge into one.

This astonishing revelation widened Min Juris eyes.

S-So, that means You and I might be able to meet?

Exactly. Although it wont be during the 5th round itself.

In truth, they would encounter each other during the 5th round, but Ryu Min deliberately misled her about the timing of their meeting.

If were in the same zone, Min Juri will undoubtedly try to meet me.

If they crossed paths in this realm, his lie would be exposed.

He couldnt hide his pseudonym either.

Not yet, at least.

But that doesnt mean I have no intention of meeting her.

Being by Min Juris side was an essential step in fostering mutual support.

And there was a way to achieve that.

A way to meet while concealing his true identity.

Listen closely to what Im about to say.

Yes, Im listening.

The 5th round, as I mentioned earlier, will be quite challenging. Theres a possibility that many people will die. However, theres one method to survive.

What is it?

Ryu Min, who had been hesitant, spoke with a solemn expression.

Find Black Scythe. Go to Black Scythe and ask for his help.

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