Published at 28th of June 2024 06:06:23 AM

Chapter 52: Underestimating The Prophet (2)

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Chapter 52: Underestimating The Prophet (2)

As a female entertainer, shouldnt you be more attentive to entertaining others? Isnt that whats expected of a female entertainer?


Seo Arins complexion stiffened in response to his straightforward comment.

Isnt it your responsibility to uplift the atmosphere when it turns awkward? Do you think I invited you here solely for the purpose of dining and mingling?

I apologize I thought I was invited to the party

With such obliviousness, how do you expect to survive as an entertainer? No, being an entertainer is no longer the crucial part. If you dont make it through the next round, your profession will hold no meaning.

Seo Arin bowed her head, akin to a scolded newcomer in front of a superior.

Im sorry

Didnt Director Shin inform you about his identity?

The major shareholder Isnt he?Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Hes not just a major shareholder; hes a prophet.

A prophet?

Seo Arin blinked her doe-like eyes in surprise.

Yes, a prophet. A unique profession that can literally glimpse into the future.


Now you understand, right? The reason why you should entertain him? How immensely helpful would it be if you could know the information about the next round in advance?

Ma Kyung-roks hand suddenly reached out, lightly touching Seo Arins cheek.

Feeling the coolness of his touch, Seo Arin flinched.

Why are you wasting such a captivating face that can enchant anyone? Why are you just sitting there without making a move? Whether its playing along or flashing a smile, dont you think you should do more to win him?

Ma Kyung-rok lightly tapped Seo Arins face with his hand.

For Seo Arin, it was an action that wounded her pride.

If youre making a living with your face as an entertainer, then act like one and make full use of your talents.

Although it may seem unconventional I am an actress, not a mere face model

An actress? Hmph.

Unintentionally, Ma Kyung-rok let out a scoff.

Yes, I do acknowledge that you excel in acting, Seo. But is it only your acting prowess that has propelled you to fame?


People place great importance on first impressions. Naturally, appearance holds the greatest weight in those first moments. Its your looks that have allowed you to sustain your current popularity. If your appearance wasnt exceptional, do you think I would have taken notice?

Ma Kyung-roks harsh words left Seo Arins expression frozen like stone.

Her eyes glistened, as if tears were about to burst forth.

Dont cry. I havent said anything untrue, its disgusting to see someone playing victim so easily.


Stunned by the remark that made her feel nauseous, Seo Arin couldnt find her voice.

The tears that were welling up quickly receded.

Shall I guess what youre thinking right now? You must be feeling angry and sorrowful. Its probably bewildering for you, as youve never been subjected to such bitter words before.


But endure it nonetheless. As the CEO, I have given you the opportunity to succeed as an actress. Isnt it your duty to repay that debt? Even in these difficult times, we should settle our accounts cleanly.

[Ma Kyung-rok: Change of plans. Get closer to the little brother first.]

He wanted her to play some tricks on the fan who approached her with no ulterior motives.

A shadow of concern quickly cast over Seo Arins face.

And a subtle smile appeared on the corner of Ma Kyung-roks mouth.

If I can manipulate the little brother successfully, the older brother will naturally follow suit. It will be easier to gather information about the next round.

Since he was Seo Arins fan, it would be easier to deceive him.

After a while, the five of them arrived in a dimly lit room.

This private room is specially arranged to cater to VVIP guests. You can enjoy unlimited drinks, snacks, and even sing karaoke.

It resembled a luxurious karaoke venue.

Um alcohol? Im still in middle school

Ryu Won hesitated, feeling flustered, but Ma Kyung-rok waved his hand reassuringly.

Dont worry. Its alright. You can have some soda, little brother. Isnt that right, Director An?

Yes, sir.

Please order the VVIP premium course here. Add brandy, whiskey, and, oh, some soda too.


As Director An went to place the order, Ryu Won wore a slightly bewildered expression.

He had never expected to suddenly be exposed to the drinking culture of adults like this.

With a sigh, the inexperienced Ryu Min spoke up.

CEO Ma Kyung-rok.

Yes, Mr. Major Shareholder.

I cant drink, and my brother cant either.

Oh Is that so? It seems you both had a very proper upbringing during your school days. Haha, but now that youre of legal drinking age, it wouldnt hurt to have the experience

Um, actress Seo Arin.

Ryu Min interrupted, nudging his brother from behind.


Could you take a picture with my brother outside?

Oh, yes.

As the two of them left, only Ryu Min and Ma Kyung-rok remained in the room.



Am I being underestimated?

Why do you suddenly

Have you forgotten that my profession is a prophet? Shouldnt you know that as someone who can see the future, I wouldnt be unaware of the conversation between you and Seo Arin?


Can we continue working together with transparency if we keep this?

Ryu Min spoke with a displeased expression.

CEO, there should be no secrets between us.

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