Published at 28th of June 2024 06:06:19 AM

Chapter 54: Shim Hyung Taek (2)

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Chapter 54: Shim Hyung Taek (2)

Now, tell me exactly how youve been bullying me.

W-Well, that

The students hesitated, unsure of how to respond.

They feared that saying the wrong thing could push Shim Hyeong-taek over the edge and lead to their demise.

But with an axe hovering over them, they had no choice but to speak up.

W-We were sorry for teasing you and making fun we apologize

Is that all?

As the axe loomed closer, they nervously opened their mouths to explain.

S-Sorry for mocking you, calling you a gluttonous brat

Thats the first time Ive heard that. Did you talk about me behind my back?



The axe struck his foreheads without mercy.

Uh, uh, uuaaaah!

The nearby student let out a piercing scream.

It was a sight that would make an ordinary person shudder in horror.

How could you say such hurtful things behind my back, you damn brats? Ugh, its infuriating.

Ah, ah

Shim Hyeong-taek smirked at the stunned student, rendered speechless by the shock.

Why are you so surprised? In the fourth round, there were far more gruesome scenes than this.

But thats not all.

He himself had experienced having his throat slit.

Not just once, but five times.

And it was all at the hands of a single person, wielding a sinister black scythe.

If I hadnt made the right moves, I could have easily ended up dead.

Who else in the world could claim to have experienced dying and coming back to life?

When Shim Hyeong-taek glared at the remaining student with his eerie gaze, the student recoiled as if struck by lightning.

Hey, Jin-gon.

You used to mock me and make me do your homework during breaks, you damn brat.

Do you think Im killing you just to torment myself? No.

Shim Hyeong-taek swung the axe once again.

When the stakes are raised, something is bound to fall. Hahaha, isnt it amusing? Even worthless human trash like you can be of use to me.

For the first time, I took someones life in the real world.

Perhaps his prior experience in hell had prepared him for this?

Shim Hyeong-taek remained unperturbed after committing murder in the real world.

A peculiar sense of emotional detachment had taken hold of him.

Heh heh. Well, thats fine. Theres no one left to stop me now.

No longer the target of fat-shaming, Shim Hyeong-taek had undergone a transformation.

He had been reborn as a player, an exceptional being.

Now, who shall I eliminate next?

What else is there to do until the next round?

To accumulate more stacks, it would be advantageous to eliminate at least one more ordinary person.

I would love to target players who provide higher stacks Ah!

Shim Hyeong-taeks memory jogged, recalling an article he had recently read.

They mentioned a player alliance caf, didnt they?

With a swift internet search, he easily located it.

What if I join and establish contact with players to eliminate them? Heh heh!

By engaging with players, he could accumulate stacks far surpassing what he could achieve with ordinary individuals.

Grinning with satisfaction, Shim Hyeong-taek tapped his phone, immediately commencing the registration process.

Caf Description

An alliance caf for players! Players who reshape the world! Welcome to [P.H.C]!

Registration Guidelines

At P.H.C, we conduct interviews to meticulously screen out non-players. If you are not a player, please press the back button.

Pre-Registration Questions

Please answer all questions truthfully, as providing false information may have consequences.

1. Kindly provide your full name, address, and mobile phone number without omitting any details.

2. Specify your level, your job in the other realm, and your chosen nickname.

3. Please indicate the name of the area you are currently in (If you cannot recall, note down the location where you first lost consciousness on January 1st).

4. Record your rankings for each round you have participated in, ensuring no details are omitted (based on the rankings within the respective area).

5. If you consent to the registration interview, please state Agree.

The extent to which they unveil personal information and even conduct interviews is remarkably accurate.

Nonetheless, he had to join to encounter other players and strike them unexpectedly.

It was unlikely that other players would suspect the existence of players preying on one another.

With a sly chuckle, Shim Hyeong-taek put his level, job, and nickname.

Lv10, Warrior, bearing the nickname Black Flame Dragon.

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