Published at 28th of June 2024 06:06:15 AM

Chapter 57: The Abduction (2)

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Chapter 57: The Abduction (2)

Hehe, too easy.

The person choking the owner was none other than the manager.

Having pretended to go to the restroom, he swiftly returned and strangled the owner.

The manager immediately placed the unconscious owner in the back seat and shouted towards the outside.

What are you doing? Get in quickly!

The interviewees, who had been dumbfoundedly observing the kidnapping process, hastily boarded the van.


As the vehicle set off, the interviewees still wore perplexed expressions.

W-What are we doing now? Why did you the owner

Didnt I tell you? We had a predetermined target.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

And that was the caf owner?


The interviewees glanced at the unconscious owner lying beside them, their faces filled with confusion.

They seemed to be in a deep slumber.

You mentioned targeting a criminal.

Yes, thats correct. The owner is a typical snake who recently got released from prison and now leads a new life after laundering her identity.

Snake the owner?

With her background, do you think someone in their 30s could have amassed enough money to establish such a large business? Its all money she has swindled from men.


She appeared kind-hearted, but what a surprising turn of events

They tried to feign surprise at the last moment, pretending they have been fooled by him, but Ryu Min saw through their act. They knew the truth, as the managers true intentions were clear as day.

Hehe, its so easy to deceive people, isnt it? Even if I told them shes from a family of criminals, they would have believed it, right?

Narrowing their eyes, Ryu Min thought to themselves, Labeling innocent civilians as criminals.

The manipulation was designed to make it easy for them to commit murder by wrongly accusing innocent people.

There was no greater evil than that.

Their plan is to involve us in the killing, making it difficult for us to back out later.

He considered it acceptable, even somewhat enjoyable, to engage in sexual assault before killing her too.

Black Flame Dragon and Little Crock, please wait behind while Black Scythe finishes up.

Yes. Ill make it quick.

In that moment, Ryu Min stepped forward while Black Flame Dragon, seeming annoyed, stepped back.

Just a moment.

Why? Little Crock?

May I go first?

Huh? Little Crock you want to participate too?

The manager was surprised but soon wore a sinister smile.

Hehehe, this is amusing. I didnt expect someone as shy as you to be interested. But being in the prime of your youth at the age of 19 Ah! Is it your first time?

Yes? Yes

Hehe, excellent. Black Scythe?

The manager requested permission from the impostor, who was about to remove his pants.

Sorry, but could you give Little Crock a chance instead? Its his first time.

Well, if its her first time, then Ill step aside.

Without any disappointment, the impostor pulled up his pants.

In the meantime, Ryu Min, with an expressionless face, approached the impostor.

As they passed each other, the impostor spoke in a passing tone.

Do your best. Im making you a special concession here.

Ryu Min also smiled and replied, Thank you. I will make good use of the Rune of the Doppelganger.

Huh? Rune? What is

Thats when it happened.


Ryu Min grabbed the impostors face with both hands and exerted a little force.


Like breaking a chickens neck, the impostors head twisted, and he collapsed lifelessly to the ground.

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