Published at 28th of June 2024 06:06:14 AM

Chapter 58: Rune Of Doppelganger (2)

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Chapter 58: Rune Of Doppelganger (2)

Ryu Min let out a sigh.

Fine then, Ill give you a chance to survive. Unlike those scams, your only crime was being a mere spectator after all.



Ryu Min tapped the ground with his scythe.

Empty everything you have right here.

Their words may not have been clear, but the Black Flame Dragon obediently took out items from his inventory.

Naturally, their life held more value than these insignificant possessions.


Ryu Mins eyes gleamed as he surveyed the items laid out before him.

He actually has quite a useful collection.

Orange Marrow Stone, Yellow Marrow Stone, sellable equipment, and more.

While he didnt possess items as rare as black gold ore, these treasures surpassed expectations.

Swiftly, the Black Flame Dragon, carefully measuring Ryu Mins reaction, spoke up.

I-Ive emptied out the gear and the axe I was using. This is all I have left. Theres nothing more.

Who said you couldnt have more? You sound sus.

Perceiving his lack of change in expression, Black Flame Dragon assumed that Ryu Min was dissatisfied.

But in truth, he was 99% satisfied.

If I sell all the items he bought from the shop, Ill get 2,000 gold.

Ryu Min only took a few Marrow Stones and a couple of equipment pieces, stashing them in his inventory.

A-Arent you taking anything else?

No need. You can keep them.

Some of the equipment, including the axe, couldnt be sold because they werent shop-bought items.

While the Black Flame Dragon carefully gathered the equipment from the ground, Ryu Min cast a glance at the other corpses.

The person in charge and the impostor.

Theres no point in searching them.

Through previous rounds, he already knew they didnt possess any valuable items.

Thats the reason for killing them without hesitation, unlike the Black Flame Dragon.

Of course, I could have taken some loose change from them. But even if I had plundered their items before killing them, the Black Flame Dragon wouldnt have given up so easily.

If they were destined to die no matter what, who would bother taking out the items?

That glimmer of hope for survival was the reason the inventory opened up.

So does that mean youll spare my life as promised?

The Black Flame Dragon looked at Ryu Min with a mix of anticipation and unease.

Scratching his chin, as if contemplating, Ryu Min nodded with a hint of compassion.

Yeah. Ill spare you. A promise is a promise.

Thank you! Thank you so much!

Expressing profound gratitude, the Black Flame Dragon repeatedly bowed his body 108 times.

Enough. Its becoming burdensome.

Alright. Im sorry.

Now, live a decent life. Whether you dispose of their bodies or not, its up to you.

Okay, I understand.

As for the woman, Ill take care of her.

Dont notice me. Please, just dont notice me.

If he could narrow the distance a little more, he could strike.

Just a few steps closer, and he would have the perfect angle to shatter his skull in one strike.

Carefully, he closed the distance, coming within five steps, yet the Black Scythe remained oblivious, not once glancing back.

He had no clue of the presence behind him.

Nows the moment!

In an instant, he raised the axe.

The distance was ideal.

It was the opportune time to crush his skull.

Die, you son of a bitch!

With a mighty swing, he brought down the axe, hurling curses that would never reach his ears.


The sensation through the handle was all too familiar.

It matched the feeling of a split skull.

It wasnt just a sensation; it was the grim reality.


The decapitated Black Scythe, along with the woman, slumped lifelessly to the ground.

Ha Haha I I actually killed the Black Scythe? Just like that?

A hollow feeling washed over him.

Simultaneously, a profound realization settled in.

No matter how high their level, once their head was split open, it meant the end.

Ha Haha Hahaha! Hahahaha! Hehehehehehe!

Shim Hyung-taek erupted into maniacal laughter, intoxicated by the exhilarating thrill.

Is this for real? The Black Scythe, a mere level 10, killed you? You fell for me? Hehehe, hahahaha!!

He had defeated the Black Scythe.

It was difficult to fathom, yet it was undeniably real.

You fool! Why would you turn your back on someone like me? Even a fool wouldnt make such a stupid mistake. Hehehehehehe!

He taunted and jeered at the lifeless body, its head split into two.

There was no room for sympathy towards the one who had killed him five times over.

Hehehe, you pitiful loser! What good is a high level if youre this foolish? Thanks to you, Ill feast upon your stats. Hehehehe.

Although there were others with high levels, the Black Scythes demise promised a significant boost to his own stats.

A sense of anticipation lit up Shim Hyung-taeks face.

Hmm? But why havent I received a message indicating an increase in stats?

Normally, when a skull was split, the message would appear instantaneously.

Yet strangely, there was no message within Shim Hyung-taeks line of sight.

Whats happening?

What happened indeed?

A sudden voice caught Shim Hyung-taek off guard, causing him to swiftly turn his head.

In that instant, his eyes widened, and his mouth gaped open.

Why so surprised? Did you see a ghost?

Shim Hyung-taek could only stutter, rendered speechless.

After all, the Black Scythe he had just killed stood before him, head intact.

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