Published at 28th of June 2024 06:06:12 AM

Chapter 59: Round 5 Begins (2)

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Chapter 59: Round 5 Begins (2)

Time, relentless as ever, brought the anticipated day into the present.

April 30th.

The moment poised on the precipice of the 5th Round.

Ryu Min, akin to a general preparing for war, adorned his gear and scrutinized his status window.

Name: Ryu Min

Alias: Black Scythe

Rank: Regular

Titles: Last Time Reverser (Hidden), First Slayer of an Angel (Hidden), The One Who Defies Divine Punishment (Hidden)

Level: 30

Profession: Grim Reaper

Strength: 35, Intelligence: 39

Agility: 39, Luck: 34

Universal Skills: Tracking, Presence Sensing, Trace Erasure

Unique Skills: Deaths Seal, Night of Death

Runes: Slaughters Rune, Reapers Rune, Luminescences Rune, Mind Inner Thoughts Rune, Doppelgangers Rune

Gold in possession: 2,150Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Remaining Stat Points: 0

[Marketplace: Permits the purchase of items.]

[Combination: Enables item synthesis.]

[???: Unlocks at Level 40]

[???: Unlocks at Level 60]

[???: Unlocks at Level 99]

Ryu Min extricated the pre-installed orange and yellow magical stones and synthesized them with the magical stone harvested from the Black Flame Dragon.

After advancing these to lower-tier magical stones and implanting them into his equipment, both his strength and luck improved by four points.

Consequently, a harmonious compilation of stats was manifested.

My stats average out to be over 30.

For his current level, his stats were remarkably high.

The gathering was noticeably light, and the numbers were reduced to a fraction of the usual crowd.

Isis this it? Is this all of us?

No way, there have to be more on the way.

Dont be naive. The last round had about 500 survivors.

Upon counting, the number does seem about right

Its eerily quiet

The remaining survivors numbered approximately 500.

In stark contrast to the first round which nearly had a staggering 10,000 competitors, the current tally was depressingly light. But this was merely within their designated area.

Once the zones merge, this echoing sense of emptiness will dissipate, he thought with an amused smirk, casting a sidelong glance at the notification flickering in the corner of his vision.

[Your stats have increased by 50% for the duration of the 5th round.]

[The buff will automatically cease at the end of the round.]

The reward he had previously won had enhanced his stats by a phenomenal 50%.

With the Slaughter Rune boosting my stats by another 100% and with Juris Buff adding a further 50%, Im looking at a cumulative increase of 4.5 times.

Stats that were formerly at 30 were primed to soar past 130.

Backed by this enormous power, shattering my previous records seems within my grasp.

Claiming the first position in this round would reward him with a title, and establishing a new record would rake in a significant heap of gold as an extra bounty. It was this enticing prospect that had influenced his choice of a stat buff over a special reward of 5,000 gold coins.

The potential gold windfall from smashing records promised to be a more lucrative deal. Just as he was reflecting on this, contemplating the static number of players, an angel materialized.

[Pleased to see you, humans. A hearty congratulations on your survival up to the 5th round. Ki-hehehe!]

It was hardly a surprise that none reacted to the angels celebratory greeting with a smile. After all, everyone held the angels responsible for the chaos engulfing them.

[Oh? Why the sour faces? Come on, lighten up! You folks had quite a blast in the last round, didnt you? Slaughtering your kind so enthusiastically. Kikiki.]


[I see, I see. Enough with the teasing. Its no fun if theres no reaction.]

The angel, its cheerful demeanor replaced with a more stern expression, adopted a business-like tone.

[Presently, we have 442 survivors. We should be starting with 521, but it seems were short by almost 80. I presume some of you took the fight into the real world this time around too?]

The count dropped again?

Why does it keep shrinking?

[Well, thats fine. Whatever you choose to do in your world is none of my concern. However, a thrilling game seems far-fetched with just over 400 participants. So, Ive planned something.]

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