Published at 28th of June 2024 06:06:11 AM

Chapter 60: Zone Integration (2)

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Chapter 60: Zone Integration (2)

Even for such a simple task of explaining, the angels found it bothersome.

Olive fluttered her wings and flew to the center of the meadow.

[Hello, everyone. Your assigned angels have already informed you, right? Due to the small number of players, the territories have been merged.]

The players nodded in silence.

[Currently, ten territories have been combined into one, and there are 4,844 players here.]

Ten territories merged?

Almost 5,000 people?

No wonder it looked crowded.

The players murmured, glancing at each other nervously.

Knowing they had to proceed with this round alongside unfamiliar faces, their hearts raced.

[We integrated other territories too, to fill them with players. Naturally, with the integration, the territory names will change. For your reference, this territory is now named C-ESKS007, exclusively comprising players from South Korea.]

Ah So everyone here is from South Korea?

Good thing we can communicate.

Hmm, so later on, we might be mixed with players from other countries

Yes, the territory integration was not a one-time event.

As the number of players dwindled to 500 or less, the angels will continue to merge territories. Eventually, we would inevitably cross paths with players from other countries, just as someone had predicted.

Itll happen when there are fewer than 500 players from South Korea.

Ryu Min knew exactly when that moment would arrive.

By Round 11, the fourth territory integration will take place, and well find ourselves competing with players from other countries.

But Ryu Mins knowledge didnt end there. He was also aware that the angels had a surprise side game planned for this round.

And he was right.

[Before we unveil the main quest, lets celebrate the territory integration with a simple side game.]

A side game?

The mention of resurrection didnt elicit any visible change in the expressions of the territory representatives. After all, the game seemed to offer no immediate advantages, making it an unappealing prospect. However, the angels had more to reveal.

[Judging by your expressions, it seems youre not too keen on the idea of becoming the unified territory representative. But do you truly believe there are no benefits at all?]

Are there specific benefits exclusive to the unified territory representative?

[Absolutely. The representative gains the power of domination instead of mere command authority.]


[It means having the authority to control players with lower levels than yourself. Irrespective of their job class, you can freely manipulate the players within your territory, much like an upgraded version of command authority.]

Just as long as their levels are lower

Anyone can be manipulated

Regardless of their job class

The territory representatives looked surprised and intrigued. Many of the players had already completed the changing of their job classes, effectively making the command authority useless. But now, those limitations were lifted, and they were presented with a practically omnipotent power, free from any drawbacks.

[Of course, the rule remains that you can only use this power ten times, and if the integrated representative is killed, the authority passes on to the killer. But isnt it enticing? Having the ability to dominate fellow humans?]

It certainly was.

Though they didnt voice their response, the fire in the representatives eyes conveyed their resolve. They were determined to fight with all their might to become the integrated representative.

Ryu Min shared the same sentiment.

Until now, being a territory representative held little merit but starting from this round, its different. I must win the deathmatch and become the united territory representative.

His decision to kill Hwang Yong-min and become a territory representative in the previous round was motivated by the upcoming changes. From the 5th round onward, the authority of the representative would become useful.

And also because of the hidden sub-quest.

Nonetheless, Ryu Min was resolute in his goal.

With level and experience enough to win even in a 9-to-1 battle, he felt more than ready to take on this challenge.

Above all, I wont miss the opportunity to become the representative. In fact, I never did!

However, there was one thing that Ryu Min, a regressor who relived this round multiple times, was unaware of.

Behind the scenes, the angels had placed a bet on the integrated territory representative position, adding an unexpected twist to the unfolding event.

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