Published at 28th of June 2024 06:06:07 AM

Chapter 62: Deathmatch Results (2)

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Chapter 62: Deathmatch Results (2)

In the blink of an eye, all eight representatives turned into lifeless corpses.



A hushed silence fell over the spectators.

No exceptions, whether angels or humans.

The result was disheartening, yet not entirely unexpected.

After all, the level disparity in this match was insurmountable.

But to have it end so anticlimactically


The angels didnt voice their thoughts, but their puzzled expressions spoke volumes.

[Its over?]

[Black Scythe won?]

[So, we have to treat Olivier, the assigned angel to Black Scythe, like a king for a while?]


Priscillas face contorted into a malicious scowl.

[You knew it would end like this, didnt you?]

[Yes, I did.]

[Of course! You tricked us all with this proposal, knowing youd win!]

[What nonsense.]


[I suggested a game that would favor me, obviously. Why else would I propose it?]


Olivers confident response left Priscilla momentarily speechless.

[And did I threaten any of you into making a bet with me? No, I didnt. You all agreed to the wager, claiming itd be fun. But now you want to say otherwise?]


Priscillas rage was evident as her under-eye area trembled visibly.

[Whats making you so upset? Or is it involuntary? Maybe you should take some supplements; they say eye twitching in the human realm is caused by a lack of magnesium.]


[What? Are you going to fight me?]

Priscilla was about to rush forward but hesitated at Oliviers words.

[Go ahead if youre so confident. Do you really want the angels to lose their dignity in front of the humans? Youll end up in a containment pouch, and even the Archangel wont save you.]

The mention of a containment pouch brought Priscilla back to her senses.

A containment pouch was a degrading punishment where insects were confined to a cramped space of about 0.5 square meters. It was a humiliating penalty for dignified angels.

[I hate containment pouches I really do!]

Just the thought of it made her shudder, and Priscilla reluctantly stepped back, quelling her anger.

[What now? Not up for the challenge?]

[..]Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

[With a new Unified Area Representative appointed, the representative authority of the resurrected players will be withdrawn. Do not be disheartened, though. Opportunities to reclaim the representative position will always exist,] Priscilla assured them.

Yet, despite the mention of another chance, the players did not appear pleased.

After all, their opponent was none other than Black Scythe.

It felt like attempting to conquer an impregnable fortress.

[Now that the extra game has concluded, let us proceed to the main quest,] Priscilla announced, her wings flickering with grace.

As she did so, the quest window materialized before them, beckoning them into the next chapter of their journey.


Defeat 300 Orcs per person within 10 hours.

Collect 4 Balance Stones.

Reward upon success ????

[All Areas]

Participants: 77,310,228

Achievers: 0/19,327,557

[Current Area C-ESKS007]

Participants: 4,844

Achievers: 0/1,211

The players scrutinizing the quest window were taken aback.

What? Defeat 300 Orcs?

And why are there so few achievers?

Looks like its just a quarter of the participants.

Priscillas patience wore thin with the players complaints.

[Why so ungrateful? Is it the low achiever count? Should I make it even lower?]

The players remained silent, heads lowered.

[Youve had easy rounds so far, but this time, weve made it more challenging with fewer achievers. But dont get discouraged]

But is defeating 300 Orcs really that difficult?

Arent Orcs just cannon fodder in games?

Priscilla felt irked by their ignorant comments.

[Hmm, youll realize how tough it is once you experience it. I wont say more.]

Angel! What about the Sub Quests?

Why is the reward marked with a question mark?

In response to some inquiries, Priscilla replied matter-of-factly.

[For this round, unlike before, the Sub Quests are publicly revealed. As for the reward, its a secret.]

Though she called it a secret, Ryu Min knew what it wasthe Balance Rune is the reward for completing the Sub Quest.

The Balance Rune must be obtained in this round by completing the Sub Quest.

He was determined to claim one of the 18 essential runes listed for the Sub Quests reward this time.

But only one person can get the Sub Quest reward.

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