Published at 28th of June 2024 06:06:03 AM

Chapter 64: Jo Yong Ho (2)

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Chapter 64: Jo Yong Ho (2)

As the door swung open, the ten stationed orcs turned their eyes with a flash of surprise.

Uh, uh?

T-ten of them?

The larger orc count briefly caught them off guard.


Greeheek, Greeheek!

The startled orcs seized the axes from their hip straps, standing up with an eager glint in their eyes.

But their reaction was cut short.

Left side, attack first!

Thump, thump, thump!

The quintet swiftly initiated their assault, felling one orc in their path.

Yet, nine orcs remained standing.


Thud! Greeheeeek!

Enraged by the death of their comrade, the orcs brandished their axes with heightened fervor.

Their sluggish attack speed allowed for easy dodging, but their sheer numbers posed a new challenge.


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The sight of an axe burying itself in his younger brothers shoulder widened Jo Yong-hos eyes.

No! Mangi!

You monster! Die!

The remaining group members rallied, successfully strangling an orc to its demise.

Nonetheless, eight orcs persisted.

A wounded ally and four fatigued comrades were ill-equipped for the task at hand.

Hyungnim! This strategy wont work! We need to retreat!

I was just thinking the same thing!

The group traded blows with the orcs while tactfully retreating.

Swiftly exiting through the fissure they had initially entered might allow them to evade the bulkier orcs.

However, unpredictability was an ever-present factor.

Plans had unraveled.

The orcs that had been drawn by the commotion were blocking their escape route.

T-The number of enemies, its

Seems like theres at least ten

Calculations were unnecessary.

The odds were insurmountable.

Escape was the optimal course if they could manage it.

A sheen of cool sweat coated the groups foreheads.

With no sanctuary and morale shattered by their enemies multitude, options dwindled.

Its over Were done for.

Ah to end like this

The group lowered their weapons, defeat washing over them.

Except for Jo Yong-ho.

Keep your weapons at the ready.


The group surged toward the orcs, launching a surprise assault.

Thwack! Thwack!

Blades clashed in a symphony of metallic resonance.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Thunk! Thunk!

The grim sound of flesh being sliced and stabbed resonated in the orc-human fray.

After an intense struggle where a single misstep could decide life or death,

Heuk heuk

Five humans stood triumphant, their faces reflecting victory.

We, we

To win against eight

The thrill of triumphing over adversity eclipsed their relief at survival.

Hyungnim! We did it! Well, actually, you did it, Hyungnim!

Its all thanks to you, Hyungnim. Without you, we wouldve given up and perished.

The group sang praises, but Jo Yong-ho shook his head.

Enough of that. Your unwavering resolve, and your willingness to fight to the end, thats what made this possible. Without it, Id be dead here too.

Heh, youre quite something, Hyungnim.

Their shared laughter was brief.

Jo Yong-ho turned to his injured younger brother with a serious expression.

But Mangi, hows your injury?

Ugh Tough, but I can manage. Ill be fine.

Despite his claims, his shoulders were drenched in sweat.

The injury appeared grave at first glance.

For now, rest. Dont move. Got it?


As for the rest of you, stay hidden here. Ill scout for an exit and come back.

Isnt that dangerous?

Dont worry about me. Wait quietly.

After placing the group in the hut, Jo Yong-ho cautiously explored his surroundings.

Its risky here. I need a way out of the village.

Moving stealthily, the village was quiet, he wondered why all the orcs had vanished.

Its so silent. Where did they all go?

Suddenly, an unfamiliar smell reached his nose.

Sniff, sniff. Whats that smell?

Curiously, he approached a sight in the distance.

Whats that?

He involuntarily uttered, Huh? before quickly stifling his reaction.

What in the world

Before him lay a sight beyond belief.

The corpses of around 200 orcs sprawled across the village.

Who could have done something so immense

Amidst the carnage, one figure stood alone.

A lone figure amidst the bodies.

Above his head was the nickname Black Scythe.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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