Published at 28th of June 2024 06:06:01 AM

Chapter 65: Orc Warrior (2)

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Chapter 65: Orc Warrior (2)

Lets skip the chitchat. If youre done here, leave.

Ryu Mins tone intentionally turned cold.

Once the Orcs are eliminated, the mid-boss should be appearing soon.

He was being cautious, not wanting to put them in unnecessary danger.

Alright, got it. Until next time, Black Scythe.

It was an honor to meet you.

After Jo Yong-hos group offered a nod of farewell, they turned away.

Thinking the threat was over, they walked leisurely, engaging in light-hearted conversation.

Just as Ryu Min was about to tell them to leave quickly, one of the mercenaries grabbed Jo Yong-hos shoulder.


Whats up?

Didnt you hear that?

Hear what?

Listen closely.

Jo Yong-ho focused his hearing as his friend urged him.

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

He could faintly hear the ground trembling.

Whats that sound?

Ryu Min supplied the answer.

The mid-boss. Be ready.

What? A mid-boss?

Though filled with doubt, Jo Yong-ho couldnt ask further.

From a distance, a 6-meter-tall giant was pounding toward them.

Whats that?

An Orc?

It was unmistakably an Orcs appearance.

The major distinction was its towering height and impressive muscle mass.


Oh my

What kind of weapon is that?

It held a 3-meter-long battleaxe, towering over a humans height, in its hands.

As everyone stared, mouths agape, Ryu Min remained unfazed.

Finally, the Orc Warrior makes an entrance.

In fact, he had been anticipating this moment.

After all, he needed to defeat it to obtain the Balance Stone, a sub-quest item.

Jo Yong-ho breathed a sigh of relief.

Had Black Scythe not intervened, he would have met a grim fate.

Step back, unless you want to be flattened.

Jo Yong-ho promptly complied with Ryu Mins advice.

Watching the humans changing places, the Orc Warrior raised an eyebrow.

It was an expression of disdain and laughter.

However, that didnt last long.


Ryu Mins Scythe struck the Orc Warriors foot, contorting its face in pain.


Feeling both agony and fury, it swung its axe at Ryu Min.

Whooosh! Kwaaaang!

Whooosh! Kwaaaang!

The sounds of slicing air and impacts echoed, but that was it.

All that effort ended up in futility.

Ryu Min narrowly evaded every strike.

Not incredibly swift, yet not sluggish enough to evade.

Whats the point of strong damage if you cant land a hit?


Enough with the grunting.

Ryu Min leaped like a crescent moon, striking his scythe down.

With an eerie sound, a green streak of blood burst from the Orc Warriors neck.

Gush! Gush!

With each strike to its nick, the Orc Warrior emitted a guttural scream.

Its sturdy neck prevented instant death, prompting Ryu Min to strike repeatedly.


Boom- Boom-!

The Orc Warriors last struggles continued, but Ryu Min intensified his strikes.

Squelch! Thump!

The Orc Warriors head, separated by the Scythe, plummeted to the ground.

Its once-vigorous arms froze, much like a toy whose batteries were removed.

He already killed it?

Even that scary monster?

Jo Yong-ho and his companions gazed at Ryu Min with awe, but Ryu Mins attention was elsewhere.

Messages detailing rewards were appearing incessantly.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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