Published at 28th of June 2024 06:05:52 AM

Chapter 70: Orc Shaman (2)

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Chapter 70: Orc Shaman (2)

Ryu Min, carrying his scythe, walked casually.

Roar? Roarrrrr!

The orc shaman spotted him and raised his staff.

The orcs rushed at him, wielding their axes.



As soon as they entered Ryu Mins range, a fountain of green blood burst forth.

The orcs fell without even swinging their weapons.

The result was the same no matter how many of them approached.

They were mercilessly cut down as if they were being shredded in a blender, an attack so swift that it might appear invisible to the naked eye.

But the attack speed has definitely increased, right?

The change from before was clearly perceptible.

With Bless and Swift, plus the 50% attack speed increase at night

It was so fast, possibly even too fast to be seen with the naked eye.


When his summoned creatures were mercilessly cut down, the orc shaman opened his eyes wide in surprise.

Roar! Roar!

The confused shaman tried to summon again with his staff.

Right at that moment


Ryu Min, who had reached the shamans neck in the blink of an eye, swung his scythe.


As soon as he finished speaking, the orc shamans head floated into the air.

You have defeated the Orc Shaman!

Experience +37.73%

Gold +4,000

Level up!

Obtained Bead of Eternity'

Obtained Mystic Wooden Totem'

Obtained Lesser Blue Magic Stone'

A puzzled Min Juri, noting the peculiar alternation of light and darkness, finally locked her gaze onto Ryu Min. Oh, there you are! Ive been searching for ages.

Oh, as you can see, Ive been a bit busy, Ryu Min responded with the orc shamans lifeless form at his feet. Yet, Min Juris reaction was oddly nonchalant, as if this outcome were no surprise.

Have you finally captured him? But havent you seen anyone else? There were individuals attempting to steal the orc shaman from you

Ryu Min replied with a hint of uncertainty, I didnt notice anyone.

Thats strange, dont you think? It felt like I heard screams

Min Juri voiced her doubts, but Ryu Min chose silence; there was no need to reveal the grim evidence.

Lets proceed and try to kill the next boss quickly, Ryu Min urged, refocusing their conversation.


* * *

You have defeated the Orc Archer!

The rewards flowed in:

[Experience +37.73%]


[Agile Archers Boots have been acquired.]

[Rusted arrowhead has been acquired.]

[Lesser Green Magic Stone has been acquired.]

[The Stone of Balance has been acquired.]

[Subquest progress: 3/4 stones of balance]

Upon confronting the third boss, it crumbled before them. Unlike the protracted struggle against the orc shaman, there was no reason to prolong this battle.

Ryu Min, contemplating whether to inspect his newfound items, was drawn to one particular artifact: the Bead of Eternity. This epic necklace had proven itself invaluable, accumulating a stack with each slain monster, at the cost of a negligible durability reduction. Once a century stack milestone was reached, it could be converted into a precious stat point.

Equipped now with Agile Archers Boots, boasting a remarkable +10 Agility, Ryu Min contemplated a change from his current, less impressive footwear.

He decided to begin by disassembling the lowest-grade green magic stone, one of his oldest possessions. With the recent acquisition of a lesser green magic stone, he embarked on a fusion of the two.

Combination Successful! the announcement declared.

The resulting synergy bestowed upon the newly enhanced boots an additional perk: Agility +4.

As he reviewed his achievements, Ryu Min acknowledged the successful conquest of all mid-level bosses. The final challenge loomedthe formidable High Orc.

Differing from its predecessors, this boss adhered to the Time Rule. Quicker completion equated to greater rewards.

This one needs to be killed rapidly. The quicker, the more bountiful the spoils, Ryu Min strategized. His previous best time, 43 seconds, was the record to beat.

Though he had regressed 99 times, he had yet to surpass that record. However, he held a trump card this time: Min Juris buffs.

Confident of breaking records, Ryu Min resolved to delay his showdown with the High Orc, utilizing the surplus time to maximize his level. He also intended to use the Bead of Eternity without the fear of its destruction.

In his quest to attain the highest record, he committed to enhancing his stats and achieving what had thus far eluded him.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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