Published at 28th of June 2024 06:05:43 AM

Chapter 76: No More Questions (2)

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Chapter 76: No More Questions (2)

Sundays regular meeting of Players Haven Caf.


Yamti appeared on the video chat screen with an energetic voice.

-Hello, Yamti.

However, unlike Yamti, the expressions of the others on the screen were far from normal.

-Huh? Why is the atmosphere like this? Whats going on?

-You probably havent heard the news, Yamti.

-What news? Poforin?

-Two of our officers have been out of contact all this time.

-Really? Who are they?

-[My Age Thirty] and [Jam Made of Honey]. Since we havent heard from them since Round 5, it seems they didnt survive.


No wonder the atmosphere felt heavy. Someone died.

Yamti understood, but at the same time, she found it puzzling.

They only met through video chat; did they really develop such strong feelings that they were mourning like this?

Ah, I get it. Theyre just acting, right? Trying to impress the Chairman.

The founder of the caf, known as the [Chairman], was undoubtedly the top dog.

In corporate life, it was only natural to cater to your superiors emotions.

And that the Chairman had genuinely shown sorrow every time a player died.

Well, I cant lose in that regard.

Yamti activated her Female Tears.

-Uh, what should we do My Age Thirty and Jam Made of Honey Sniff

-Dont cry, Yamti

-If Yamti cries, I feel like Ill start tearing up too

The officers in the chat room sympathized with Yamtis tears.

Sly bunch. Look how they stick together at a time like this. Well, humans are naturally sly.

Even Yamti couldnt openly fathom what was unfolding.

It was at that moment.

Whats happening?

Im sorry, Chairman I didnt mean it that way

As of this moment, Poison Food, I hereby remove you from your officer position. No, youre permanently expelled from the caf.


Cooperating to survive in a situation where even our combined strength falls short, we cant accept someone who belittles our caf. From now on, Poison Person, youll be on our blacklist, so adapt when a new era arrives.

Chair Chairman!

[Poison Food has been banned from the chat room.]

One officer down, five remained.

Now, since weve removed the troublemaker, shall we continue the meeting?

Ah Yes.

The remaining officers faces were tense. Once again, they realized that in this place, the Chairmans word was law.

At that moment, Lostyak made an Ah sound and displayed a noticeably flustered expression.

Whats wrong?

Oh, that, well Theres a player who just applied now


The players nickname is Black Scythe


The Chairman and everyone else looked at him in shock.

Black Scythe applied again?

Well, the name is different from the previous Black Scythe.

Whats the name?

The previous Black Scythes real name was Kim In-hong, but the person who applied this time is Hwang Yong-min.

Hwang Yong-min

After pondering for a moment, the Chairman made a decision.

Go visit his home. We dont know for sure if its Black Scythe, but we have to meet to find out, dont we?

What if hes not?

If hes not Black Scythe

The Chairman said in a chilly tone.

Theyll have to pay for playing tricks on us.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!