Published at 28th of June 2024 06:05:38 AM

Chapter 79: The Assassin Mask (2)

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Chapter 79: The Assassin Mask (2)

People began to gather in Cafs online chat room. It wasnt a Sunday, but an unexpected meeting was taking place.

Welcome, Chairman-nim!

Come on in, Yamti-nim.

Yamti, with a smile on her face, scanned the chat room screen but couldnt help noticing that some of the other executives were missing.

Where are the other executives?

Its precisely because of that issue that we had to convene this meeting urgently.

Whats going on?

Before the chairman could reply, he let out a sigh.

There was indeed a problema significant one that could shake the very existence of the caf.

The executives have been killed.

What?! Theyre dead?

Yamti, taken aback, stared at the screen once more. There were empty seats, and the executives, who were never late, were absent today.

What happened? Have you tried calling them?

We checked, but

There was no need to say more. The chairmans grim expression said it all.

Theyre not answering individual calls either. It seems they were attacked while going for interviews.

So, who did it? Could it be

Yamti thought of one person.

As if to confirm her suspicions, the chairman nodded. Thats right. Black Scythe, hes hunting our caf members.

Strictly speaking, they werent regular members but executives. However, the chairman wasnt concerned about that distinction. What mattered was that the caf they had painstakingly built was under attack, and it was by none other than the Black Scythe, who was considered the number one player in the otherworld.

What about Soboru? And Poporing? They all they were killed by him too?

Thats correct.

Why? What could those good people have done wrong

Why do murderers commit murder? Its just for their own satisfaction. Or maybe they saw us as a threat, gaining influence.


Listening to the chairmans explanation, Yamti could understand to some extent. There were people with twisted personalities who, when others success seemed too prominent, wanted to snatch it away.

Did he join our caf just to lure the executives?


Ha I was looking forward to meeting Black Scythe someday, but now I find out hes a psychopath whos hostile to us I feel really ashamed. If we had accepted him as an executive, it could have been a disaster.

Thats right. I would have regretted it for the rest of my life. Maybe even before that, he would have killed me.

Losing the executives seemed to have put the chairman in a bad mood.

Black Scythe is now our clear enemy. We must find him and avenge our lost members.

Yes, we have to do that. But

Being able to transform into the appearance of a player Ive slain is a major advantage.

It wasnt just about deceiving opponents; it had versatile applications, from gathering information to espionage and deception.

In essence, it was the ideal mask for assassination.

Theres no easier assassination than betraying allies.

That was precisely why Ryu Min killed the executives today.

He needed to infiltrate their ranks as one of the executives.

Now, I can even turn into Hwang Yong-min if needed.

The mask hed removed in front of Hwang Yong-min was just a plain, non-functional one.

When he killed him, Ryu Min was wearing the transparent Assassins Mask, allowing him to replicate Hwang Yong-mins appearance.

For now, hed stay focused on playing the role of Lostyak.

If I hadnt delved into Lostyaks inner thoughts earlier, I wouldnt have been able to fool the other executives.

His speech patterns, habits, and social connections had all been meticulously unraveled by the Rune of Inner Thoughts in previous regressions.

Thats how hed managed to break into Lostyaks private place and engage in video chat.

Without the Assassins Mask, this intricate plan wouldve been impossible.

I originally planned to execute this plan slowly, but thanks to the mask, the plan has been expedited.

Now, all that remained was seizing the right moment and taking over the position of chairman.

If it were up to me, Id eliminate the chairman, assume his identity, and effortlessly manipulate the organization.

But that was proven impossible.

The Assassins Mask only targets players.

Which means the chairman isnt a player.

It was an ironic twist that the leader of a player-filled organization wasnt a player himself.

However, approaching him was no easy task, thanks to player Yamti.

I cant deal with Yamtis abilities with my current capabilities.

Until he devised a countermeasure, he had to steer clear of contact with the executives.

Fortunately, when the 7th round rolled around, hed have a solution.

Until then, Ill stick to playing the role of Lostyak through video chat and buy time.

With that, the situation was pretty much wrapped up.

He likely wouldnt be transforming to Lostyak until the next meeting.

Thank goodness. Ive got some spare time now.

With the newfound free time, there was something he had to do.

Its related to recovering durability.

Its been a while since Ive had to go on a trip abroad.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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