Published at 28th of June 2024 06:05:36 AM

Chapter 80: The Young Blacksmith

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Chapter 80: The Young Blacksmith

The Bead of Eternity, a remarkable item, bestows stat points for killing monsters.

While it takes on the form of a necklace; its made of beads. You can consider it more of a consumable item.

You see, for every monster you kill the durability drops by one point.

And once that durability is depleted, the neckless vanishes.

Thats its one shortcoming, but only when its durability wanes.

If one can restore durability, theres no better stat-boosting item.

Thats why its a tailor-made item for blacksmiths.

With the repair skill, you can endlessly mend durability and strive for permanent stat gains.

But this neckless isnt easy to acquire.

Should you fail to defeat an Orc Shaman in the 5th round, the chance to obtain it eludes you.

Occasionally, they pop up on the PLPL social open market, but their unreasonable prices deter most blacksmiths.

(T/N: PLPL: Player Place.)

But theres no law that says only blacksmiths can benefit from it. Recovering durability is possible for anyone.

That was the reason Ryu Min wanted to go abroad.

Because there was a blacksmith overseas who would become famous for being the best.

I need to ask that person to fix the durability of the bead.

With this goal in mind, Ryu Min promptly prepared for his overseas journey.

He had already procured a passport in anticipation of this moment.

Hey, what are you up to?

Observing Ryu Min packing his suitcase, his younger sibling inquired with curiosity.

Where are you headed?

Just a quick trip abroad.


Ill be back soon. Three days should suffice.

All he would carry were clothes and toiletries for his hotel stay. The rest hed buy locally.

Whats the reason for your trip? Business-related?

Well, you could say that.

I was thinking of joining you if it was for leisure, but it doesnt seem feasible.

Who goes on vacation in times like these?


Make sure to eat well while Im away.

But where are you off to?

Ryu Min chuckled and replied, The UK.

* * *

In the UK, Russell Daniel had long forsaken formal education.

For six years, he had dwelled in a rustic cabin amidst the woods, honing his blacksmithing skills.

The clang of the hammer meeting red-hot iron resonated through the air.

This was the craft of shaping and strengthening.

This should do.

Russell was fashioning a 15cm-long dagger, and when its shape met his approval, he used a whetstone to sharpen the blade.

Subsequently, he plunged the blade into the water after heating only its edge in the fiery forge.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

A satisfying hiss followed.

This process elevated the blades sharpness.

A touch of iron dust on a special whetstone was the final touch, making the blade razor-sharp, and a handle was attached.

Its complete.

This dagger was a product of his hobby, not intended for sale.

Well maybe its time to put an end to this.

Gazing at the finely crafted dagger, Russell let out a wistful chuckle.

Itd be nice if I could sell at least one a day.

He had embarked on this journey with youthful zeal, but that was a tale of days when customers sought his craft.

Now, very few came knocking.

All thanks to that confounded angel.

January 2022.

Russell, as usual, was fashioning weapons for customers in his cabin when an unexpected summons transported him to another realm.

He found himself creating an avatar and banding together with others to combat goblins.

It felt like I was plucked from my countryside abode and thrust into a war.

Ryu Min first revealed his hand.

Im a prophet. I can see the future.

A prophet? What nonsense is this person talking about

Russell. Level 21. Occupation: Blacksmith. Area designation: C-EUKE008. Is that correct?

Russell remained silent, unable to speak due to his shock.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

To accurately guess the area designation, even details Ive never disclosed to anyone It seems saying hes a prophet isnt just a baseless claim.

Can you really see the future?


Ive never heard of a profession like prophet.'

Thats because its rare. In this otherworld, there are countless professions. Among them, theres a unique class that only one person can have. That class is prophet.'

Okay? And why have you come here, Mr, Prophet?

Dont ridicule me like that. Russell, Ive come because I want to strike a deal with you.

A deal?

Please use your repair skill to fix one item for me. If you do that, Ill provide you with valuable information.


Russell cautiously asked, What kind of valuable information?

Its information about the 6th round.

Russells eyes widened.

If I can know about the next round in advance, it will be of great help to plan ahead.

Fixing one item?

Honestly, it wasnt a difficult task.

It was easier than blacksmithing, as all he needed to do was touch the item and cast a skill.

The problem is that its too easy.

The benefit outweighed the simplicity of the task.

Information about the 6th round was a significant advantage.

Being cautious by nature when it came to interpersonal relationships, Russell couldnt help but be wary.

Are you really offering 6th round information in exchange for repairing an items durability?


Isnt that too good to be true? Are you sure there isnt another motive?

As Russell looked at him with suspicion, Ryu Min chuckled.

He had expected this reaction.

Typical Russell.

Even though it was a no-risk proposition, he doubted and remained cautious.

I could have been disappointed if you had just accepted it without suspicion.

At times like this, suspicion must not be betrayed.

One should open their heart first and proceed with the proper approach.

May I be a bit straightforward?


I want to become friends with you.


I saw it in the future. You, reaching the pinnacle as a blacksmith.

Me? Reaching the pinnacle?

Whether Russells eyes widened or not, Ryu Min continued.

You survive up to the 15th round without anyones help. Its an impressive feat, but thats all it is. After that, you have no future. Its a bleak prospect.

But I can help you. If you join hands with me, you can grow more easily, even beyond the 15th round. Even the blacksmithing life you desire.


Just a while ago, Russell didnt believe a word this Asian man was saying.

He thought it might be a trick.

But when he accurately guessed his wish, his thoughts changed.

What do you want from me?

I dont want much. Just

Ryu Min smiled warmly.

to help each other.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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