Published at 28th of June 2024 06:05:29 AM

Chapter 84: Heo Taeseok (2)

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Chapter 84: Heo Taeseok (2)

I-Im in a party with the Black Scythe?

He never imagined that he would form a party like this.

Simply being in the same place as the object of his admiration felt like a dream come true.



Now that were in a party, introduce yourselves.


At the Black Scythes command, Heo Taeseok hesitated for a moment before speaking up.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

I Im Aged-Man. Level 23, a Black Mage. My skills are Black Arrows and Black Chains

At first, he stumbled over his words, but soon he found his voice.

Nice to meet you, Aged-Man. Im a Buffer, level 21. Ill do my best to support you!

Hello, Im Seo Arin. Im a level 20 Summoner. My skills are

While the other party members took turns introducing themselves, Heo Taeseoks ears seemed to stop working.

Why is this happening? I used to stutter, but now

Was it the shock of losing his grandmother?

He used to struggle with speaking in front of people, but now his nervousness seemed to be fading.

Is it because of the Black Scythe?

Did being in the presence of the Black Scythe boost his confidence?

Or was his subconscious desire to impress him unconsciously influencing his behavior?

He couldnt quite pinpoint the reason, but one thing was certain.

I made the right decision to party with the Black Scythe.

As Heo Taeseok secretly smiled to himself, Ryu Min spoke up.

Now that weve finished introductions, shall we go hunting?

Wait a moment. Ill cast buffs on everyone first.

Min Juri went on to cast buffs on her party members one by one.

It was Bless and Swift.

Those who received the buffs couldnt help but be astonished.

What is this? My stats have increased by 60%?

My attack and movement speed are 60% faster.

Is this real?

Players who had never experienced buffs before were left speechless, but Ryu Min remained composed.

This is why the Black Scythe was always with Min Juri, right? Buffer, youre truly amazing!

Haha, why are you embarrassing me?

Five players encircled the centaur.

Aim for the back! Atack its rear!

In response to a shouted command, they instinctively approached from behind. Ryu Min, who had been observing them, clicked his tongue in disdain.

Targeting its rear, huh? How foolish.

And as expected


One player who had ventured behind was met with a powerful kick from the centaurs hind leg. They were sent flying 10 meters before crashing into the ground, rolling an additional 3 meters.


Fortunately, the player was still squirming, having avoided death. But the battle seemed impossible to continue.

This bastard!

Well seek revenge!

The remaining players employed their skills, launching a coordinated assault.


As the centaur, its legs severed, collapsed, they jubilantly cried out in victory.

We we won!

Were in first place!

Weve finally achieved first place in completing the quest!

It was surprisingly manageable, dont you think?

Amidst the rejoicing faces of the rival team, Heo Taeseok couldnt help but feel somewhat disheartened.

Oh no, the first place was taken from us?

Heo Taeseoks gaze naturally drifted towards the Black Scythe. After all, he had consistently maintained the top ranking, so he must be the most disappointed.


However, Ryu Mins expression remained entirely nonchalant. There was no trace of regret on his face.

Curious, as time passed, the cheers from the opposing team gradually dwindled.

What whats going on?

Why isnt the quest completion appearing?

Ah Could it be?

As the players belatedly expressed their disappointment, Ryu Min smirked.

I guess they finally realized it. You didnt defeat a boss.

Regrettably, the centaur wasnt a boss.

They claimed that there were only 101 bosses, but they never said there were no regular monsters.

The reason Ryu Min had been so composed while observing became evident. The centaur was merely a standard monster.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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